Over coming obsticles

weight lost has been a true roller coaster ride. i've always been chubby but as i approached my teens it gotten worse. most may look at the problem like oh she just "LAZY". but for me it was more so of an emotional eating disorder. i have been to plenty of doctors that gave me a meal plan which everything on the list was too expensive. me being a COSMETOLOGIST . i don't have much time to cook daily meals, over the years i would workout and eat lots of fruits and veggies. i even cut out lots of red meats and sugary drinks. but that wasn't enough. at the age of 19 i lost my mother due to kidney failure, heart issues and diabetes, at the age of 21 i lost my dad to heart failure. i'm only 27 . during those years i stopped smoking cigarettes and added salad with every meal but the weight was still stubborn. for several years i've had 3 gym member ships. hired a chef to prep my meals . still having issues with weight lost. the thing i notice that i was doing . the thing that was really stopping me from shedding weight was that Mentally i wasn't ready for change. i thought in my mind that even tho i'm working out sweating, cutting back on certain foods and drinks. the most important thing that a lot of people hate to admit is SNACKING. I WAS TOLD YEARS AGO, NO MORE THAN 7G OF SUGAR IN YOUR DAILY DIET. I HAVE A THING FOR CHOCOLATE. chocolate was my outlet to alot of pain i endured over years of loosing my parents and loosing my husband to prison for a crime he didn't commit. i finally sat back and cried my eyes out because not only did i have pain that has never been talked about but my weight fluctuate because of the struggles i faced earlier in my life. on top of me working out and eating healthy i was still cheating my body, soothing my heart and mind. every struggle we face in life starts mentally first. ! i cut of all sugar intake. no sweets, 1hr carido everyday plus meal prep. anyone can do it just put you mind to it


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