One Year in Steemlandia

One year ago today, I threw caution to the wind and became the 143,462th person/bot/wombat to have become a citizen of Steemlandia.

I had only the vaguest idea of what I was doing. Maybe try to make a little money? crossed my mind. So I posted a few short pieces, mostly verbatim stuff that I’d earlier written for one doomed blog or another. I got some random upvotes that after a half dozen posts earned a grand total of nothing. I had no idea that I’d happened to join right after Hard Fork 18 and that the reward pool had essentially been reset to zero.

And then I had a post that earned two cents. Woopdeedoo? Damn right, that’s more than I had earned in several years of intermittent blogging. I was hooked.

I started exploring the nooks and crannies of Steemlandia.

As soon as I wrote that sentence, I wondered what the hell is a cranny? Get thee to the intertubes! It turns out that nook has the meaning of some kind of corner, whereas a cranny is some kind of crack or opening. Nook gets used other ways, but cranny seems to have fallen by the wayside. We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.

What a long strange trip it’s been. I’ve bought some Steem Power and earned some Steem Power. I’ve made a lot of friends and a few enemies. I’ve discovered mountains of garbage and some lovely gems.

A year later, I’ve yet to discover my niche. I’ve written some long posts, but lately mostly short format dMania and Zappl. I’ve gotten the most satisfaction from writing flash fiction in freewrite and fiftywords styles, but longer format pieces continue to percolate through my subconscious and will likely be posted at Steemit or Busy.

Perhaps I never will find my niche, maybe I’m a generalist at heart.

But I’m here for the long haul. Powering down is not on my radar.

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