6,000 Posts! 👀

In person, I’m not particularly outgoing. I’m generally introverted. Rather socially inept. Misanthropic would be overstating it, but if you’re in a room filled with a hundred people and I’m one of those people, look over to your right. I’m that tall guy standing with his back to the the wall, trying to figure out what to do with his hands.

But in Steemlandia, it’s hard to shut me up. In just under 21 months here, six thousand posts:


At least according to Stinc’s count. SteemWorld shows four less than that:


They’re both looking at the same blockchain but looking at it different ways? Four posts somewhere along the line got flagged into oblivion?

Meh. I’m posting this only because I saw that nice round number after coming home from working a day where I spent a fair amount of time trying to come up with a topic for a post. My mind wandered off into the weeds. Quite literally, while in the lunch room. As I stared out at a little pond where the cattails were blowing in the wind I actually thought about posting about plants moving back and forth in the wind. Oh sure, I would have mentioned that the trees a hundred yards away weren’t seeming to move at all in the wind. And that, yes, I could see them clearly, I recently renewed my driver’s license and passed the vision test even without my glasses, thank you very much.

But that would be a poor excuse for a post. As would this post that never really seemed to go anywhere. So one shitpost gave way to another.

I really need to find some new ideas.

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