This content got low rating by people.


I was hoping I wouldn't be attacked, because I was always against buying Votes...

I watched many People buying Votes for Two and a Half Years...

While I was getting Pennies, they were getting Dollars...

I've seen their Accounts grow and grow...

I've seen their Status, grow and grow...

I never attacked anyone's post, the way I was attacked...

I figured it was over, so that I would be able to finish my Experiments...

@pfunk said S'he could do what S'he wanted with Her/His Steem Power...

I think I'm allowed to use my STEEM in the same Manner, without being intimidated...

So, some people think it's perfectly fine to Delegate or Lease Steem Power...

I think Steem Power should be used to Up-Vote Quality Posts...

As it turns out, it is used for their own Personal Profit...

I've always thought of it as buying Votes...

@chekohler gets to sleep at night, knowing his Posts won't get Flagged for Bid Bot Misuse...

On my last Post, I used 6.000 STEEM to get back what was Taken Away from me...

@chekohler, and many of the Down-Voting Scum-Bags use 6,000.000 Steem Power one a "DAILY" basis, to get their Payouts, which sometimes, also includes pretty good sized Up-Votes from those they Delegate or Least to...

In my Book, they are using 1000 Times More Steem then I use, and it's all for their own Greedy Reasons...

@chekohler receives my "Scum-Bag-Award" for his Flag for Profit Misuse...

If you Scum-Bags don't like what I'm doing, feel free to put me on MUTE...

I just don't like being attacked by a MOB of ZOMPIE DOWN-VOTERS...

I'm keeping a List of all the Scum-Bags...

Their Estimated Account Values, will each experience a Reset...

Every Hundred Dollars in Estimated Account Value will be Reset to One Dollar...

If your current Estimated Account Value is at $5,000.00 you can expect it to reset to Fifty Bucks...

They can take that to the Bank...

January 27, 2019... 18.8 Hollywood Time...

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