How to make money online for students, passive income ideas





The time which we waste daily in Facebook and whatsapp can be utilised by trying to have a passive income by just sitting at home through online. If we can do so, we don't have to ask for money for every small matter to our parents. After being admitted to college, everyone's expense increases. And then we even dont like to ask for money to our parents for every small thing. So if we earn our own pocket money we can stay tension free. So let's start. Today for this problem of life we will discuss some solutions. During college life we have two resources at a high rate- 1)time and energy. And the resource which we lack of at that time is money. So i will talk about those ways of passive income which highly depend on time and energy but need of money is low or even doesn't need money.
Smart idea 1: youtube
Smart idea 2: affiliate marketing
Smart idea 3: freelancing
Smart idea 4: photography
Smart idea 5: blog/ website

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