Can we please stop calling it Reward Pool Rape!

I know we are in the middle of a huge flag war now. Well actually a few of them as there are a few ongoing issues with how people earn their rewards and use their stake here on the platform.

I think this is all part of growing and maturing as a platform and think in the long term it will help to ingrain some norms around here and make the community stronger. It will also let potential abusers know the these behaviors will not be tolerated. The one thing I think that will work against us in the terminology some people choose to use.


I'm not some sort of new age millennial that needs a safe room and all that crap, but I do not feel calling it Reward Pool Rape is appropriate. I do agree it's an abuse of the system and there are currently lots of ways to do it. I think this terminology will work against the efforts to clean up the platform and the abuses and makes us all look a bit immature. We are still early in the growth of this platform and still have a chance to add proper names and titles to these abuses. It will only help us look more cultured, refined and mature. I know that @ned and @dan have left us too our own devices with very little guidance, so it's up to all us to stay mature in this time of struggle.

Rape is a serious criminal offense that is committed to another human being, and I worry the blasé use of this terminology may really offend any victims of such atrocities. Recently I even read a post by a witness suggesting that the 25% reward share that it taken by @dsound or @dlive is a form of rape, and that's when I took notice the blasé use of this terminology and felt the need to make this post. I think by allowing the normalizing of the use of the this term it will lead to continued excessive use. I know I probably sound like a bit of sensitive prude but I really wanted to put this out there. I care about the future of steem and our long term growth and think we need to be mindful of these things.


What I propose is someone much more important and influential then me, take up the torch on this issue and suggest some appropriate terminology and titles for the ongoing abuses. I feel that by giving these appropriate titles it can actually be the first step to working together to tackle the problems here on the Steem blockchain.

I do fulling support the ongoing flag wars and witch hunts that are underway to ensure rewards are fairly and equitably distributed here on the steem blockchain.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this and we can see some positive change.

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