Steemy things.

abstract Circles - CC0 - Penderis
I swear I had a reason for typing. I decided for some odd reason to actually use @steempeak create my post today, something stuck with me after I read that @tokenbb published a new and improved editor based on vuejs which is an improved version of the current @steempeak editor.

So obviously I had to see this amazing editor. I only realised that is what I was doing when I clicked the table button and it inserted that shit empty markdown bullshit then said if I edit then it is locked to markdown.

Needless to say I pissed myself a little and very quickly deleted everything, phew fortunately there was a button where it said html editor. If I am not going to use something then surely less buttons are better, also considering the sheer amount these interfaces strip learning 10 html tags really should not be such a big deal. If you want to go on about editors for a blogging site then make that shit akin to a wordpress page builder. Ironically, and this might just be me but @tokenbb would be the only interface with an editor appropriate for the content being published.

Rounding up Steem
Steem thingies that go bump.

I seem to be walking in circles, which is in fact something I literally do when taking smoke breaks. I just can't sit down and smoke unless I have a beer or am by a pc. These circles are in my mind and are more steem chain related and a little bit amplified with the launch of this @drugwars thingy. Now regardless of wheeling and dealing and all the scheming, every prick seems to be doing on these chains. I say these since I mean all steem based chains, this includes whaleshares, Weku (Is it a thing?) , Bearshares (Grrrrrr) and Miscellaneous since they all started with the same model.

Whaleshares is the only other one I kinda know, and they did a pretty neat thing by removing delegation which means the sheep can't keep pumping money into their cult leaders account. This seems good right. They even have some inter-chain interoperability or to not seem so fancy they have a bot that checks if someone sent you money then tells an account to go vote on their ass. Keep in mind these tokens are not bought, but "earned". Regardless that will change and a bot is a bot. I just wanted to scare him, I did not know the safety was off before it was too late.

Anyway. Not bagging on anything, as I said these damn circles, maybe I can connect them for myself a bit.

I wish you were shorter. Said no chic ever.

Steem is based on inflation and in the real world I get this to be shit costs more every damn year, or if you live in South Africa - shit costs more, the president gets a pay increase for being alive.

If the president was to die and a satisfiable corrupt replacement could not be found which is impossible but impossible is also relative depending on your level of corruption then there would be a risk to the amount all their bank accounts would inflate by each time someone can't afford to buy food. Which is a problem simply solved by using more money and investing it into a robot which will be the new president, this by good fortune or more precisely massive fortune would ensure that it is even more corrupt than the last president.

If ever corrupt and impossible were to be used together then the only acceptable term is "It is impossible not to take more."

That digression almost makes me feel I have described what I did not intend to but it does feel quite apt and relevant. We are still talking about blockchain, right?

I think that whoever is reading this might think that I am being quite negative on the steem thingies. I am not a good judge on that since I am even angry at a good shit so you can decide for yourself.

How does inflation pay?
Spoiler: I have no clue.

Why I mention inflation is because recently @kchitrah asked how would inflation be able to pay for say the new worker proposal system that is being introduced, and in general the thought would be "Well anything steem is pretty much fucked." Spin the globe stop it with your finger and pretty much that country is fucked due to inflation, and that is how I read the quick descriptions of results when Googling the stupid word.

I just realised I can put - "It is not [topic] it is people that is the problem." - to almost anything. Not to say that people are shit but really, people are shit.

To answer the original question which I mutilated:

"I don't know. For any of it to keep worth not including the trash abusing the markets, we will just need investment equal or greater than the inflation to maintain value."

It is also the first word in the next sentence.

Governance on these platforms is tricky because people have a stake and supposedly the more you own the less the jury will sentence you, own enough and you can just tell them to stop interrupting your lunch. The flip side will be the peasants and how much they do not have and how much they should have and how much I really really wish this was not all so fucking complicated but it is a rabbit hole and you can argue every bloody side, use fancy terms like marxism, democracy, communism then move into psychology and start listing things there and so on and so forth. Then you take your hundreds of lists and start linking each point with every other point.

the good thing with the internet is actually the sites set the rules, the people can bitch sure then we change the rules a tad and they bitch less but the site is doing its job so there is always that to keep them busy with.

Finding a job for these steem platforms started simply with a big focus on blogging as we know it, long-form content. This changed on steem the original itself within the year I have been on to anything goes so long as it is original and you are not boosting it like a syphilitic gold digger. But why can't you? Ah, that is governance, people are saying you can't do that because it is not accepted if compared to their rich friends who don't do that and they write words to accompany their shit picture of a dog marked free to use. The system allows it, and surely we don't need people online to irritate us the same way they do offline.

Content Creation
What is content even, we have sex robots now.

It has changed a shit ton, with the new games coming up and people figuring out new ways to use the "author" reward pool in ways that will specifically not get them downvoted it will definitely become harder to "earn" it is also harder and should frankly not be attempted to judge content. This is not a content platform, at least not unless you are on a content interface. Surely something that SMT will solve, I think. I don't know what SMT's have to do with anything really since if the "author" reward pool from steem all of a sudden does not need to be distributed to as many people those that are here will bleed the system. So I am going to assume that the "author" reward pool will be split across SMT's.

All in all the rewards is not so much a concern, not for me at least. Sure it would be nice if any of this becomes something but I would be a fool to expect that - I do like them though so vote fucker. I am not a wheeler and dealer nor am I a "content creator" - I fucking hate that term - so I just do my thing like many others and if something were to happen then that would be just dandy.

As shown by a few of the actual apps on the chain there are quite a few use cases, and that means keeping money in the system, steem is after all just a product, one that gives back a bit but that is only maintainable if it gets in more. Now I am not your average consumer but it also does not matter because it requires many and many consumers to maintain a business and fortunately we do have the sheep as much as I hate the sheep that make youtube videos trending they sure are great at spending. That is the most straightforward way to get money into the system which is what @steemmonsters is doing, they have an actual product. Off the top of my head I guess @actifit would be the one I am not sure how to classify, is it a service? They could be what a community looks like although very niche.

I think classifying things according to how I think about them won't get me far because I consider a huge amount of things to just be stupid but still waste time on it. that is the main thing though for steem to get people to waste time on it no matter from which source.

In closing
What I actually wanted to say is on the last line.

This focus on the $ should go, which yada yada is not the $ , and whaleshares does this perfectly fine by only showing their symbol for the currency. I do not see how a person can remove that from a global interface but on a specific interface you could, such as if you were to take busy which already looks like facebook and only show vote count and not value by default.

As for governance of content itself and promotion of growth I think that this "real world banking" concept of the more you have the more you get needs to be phased out, sure that will require an online system especially a self-governance system to really have to consider actual rules and stop fooling themselves that people are not scum who can't be trusted. I wonder how a system would look where the more you have or if you vote on someone who already gets a shit ton regardless the system will auto reduce the max amount they may receive. A simple example is if the interest rate on your vested amount is 6% smaller accounts get 6% this decreases as your account grows. Simply put 1% of a million is 10 000.

10 000 Is a fucking lot if the average is only 200. Shouldn't cryptocurrency also attempt to improve on real world ideals? Should it not look at this dump we are living in and say "Look at this dump..."

The picture I added at the start to trick you into reading is my own so do with it what you want CC0

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