Steem biggest gainer in top 30, but what a strange move...

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If you wake up and see Steem price rose more than 20% overnight... Well that is always fun. This morning is one of those. Fact of the matter is, Steem is the biggest riser of the top 30 cryptocurrencies listed on
You can see the rise is very sudden and actually like a rocket.

Steem jump.JPG

Strange dive just before the rocket

But what is happening here? Just before the rise, Steem dropped more than 20 % in just minutes. What is that? My guess? A few whales steared in to a dump, rebought and where aware of the action that was going to happen. Such volume combined with such a dump and then a huge rise? That can not be incidental, this pre-dump was very well planned, and some people benifited hugely here.

Steem fall.JPG

What really happened here, I don't think we will really ever know, but the most important thing is, we are up and BIG!



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