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How to Set Up a STEEM Exchange Node in 62 minutes or less

 To make it easier for exchanges to adopt and run STEEM, we've updated this documentation with the definitive quick start guide for running a STEEM exchange node, with this recommended configuration.View the exchange quickstart guide on GitHub here.Running an exchange node from this guide is as simple as four steps. First make sure you meet the hardware requirements and then build the docker image, create two directories for storing blockchain and wallet data, and then run.Although the instructions are technical, anyone with basic system administration skills should be able to follow and to execute the guide quickly and easily. The quick start guide linked above is available in thesteem GitHub repository.Using this method is secure because this software runs in a container segregated from the rest of your system. And, there's no risk of misplacing key data for the CLI wallet because you can keep it outside of the docker volume in a persistent area of your filesystem if you wish.To make the process even more seamless, we've made a quick video tutorial (8 minutes) that follows these instructions step-by-step: 


To Exchanges: Update Your STEEM Code Today!

We released a new version of STEEM today (0.19.2) that includes some optimizations to the STEEM peer-to-peer code along with this updated documentation. We recommend that all exchanges update their nodes and start using this release immediately, preferably according to the quick start guide.- Team Steemit 

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