Steem Trek: Just Curie Us!!

MySpace, the fickle frontier...

These are the voyeurs of the Steemship Rent-A-Prize...

Its amortized mission, to explore strange new blockchains...

To seek out new bots and new witness delegations...

To boldly upvote where no one has upvoted before!

(Play music, roll credits)

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Captain's Log: Steemdate 02082018

We are orbiting a class M planet of unknown origin... The United Federation Of Steemits has given the go-ahead to circumvent the Meme Directive, and steem down to the planet's surface... Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoin are investigating an anomaly we detected, a race of sentient crypto-currency... I am monitoring the situation from my quarters, waiting for the value of BTC to moon... Captain Quirk out...

(Act I, Scene 3)

Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoin have volunteered to visit the MSP Planet of sentient blockchain beings... They cannot understand why the people of this world keep praying to their Upvote Bot, despite its need to sleep... Spock is fascinated at the display of dedication and illogical single-mindedness... Bones says he is a doctor, not a comedian, and Spock smiles so hard his ears grow...

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(Act II, Scene 1)

After showing the inhabitants of the MSP Planet how to properly worship their Upvote Bot Deity, Spock and McCoin get a surprise appearance from one of the Q Continuum, Q-Curie... It makes the Steemship Rent-A-Prize fly at Warp 69 in a slingshot around the sun... They go back in time 5 minutes and do it again... @Curie appears to enjoy watching the Steem Trek crew experiencing their dopamine feedback loops over and over again... Thank you, Curie!!!!

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Pure logic... That is what Steem Trek is all about! In the community of deep space, even selfless love is logical... Quantum Entanglement shows us that distance doesn't really matter, with cosmic stuff like getting between a captain and his @buttcoins wallet... Sadly, the captain had to take emergency shore leave, after learning that he was supposed to go down WITH the ship, not go down ON IT!! But he got a remote @curie vote too, thanks to good old Dr. McCoin and his GitHub Hat... Thanks again, Q-Curie!!

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The episode ends with the MSP Beings saving the day, having snuck into Mr. Spock's Try-Corder to play the new online game, STRANGER-INTERNET-OF-THINGS... They fork Q-Curie's timeloop of dopamine, and two parallel realities emerge... One goes on to have many adventures aboard the Steemship Rent-A-Prize... The other is happily being Curied for all eternity, if there even is such a thing...


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and HODL...

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