7 Terrible Danger of Sleep

Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep at night to get a good sleep quality. Sleep time of less than 7 or 9 hours can cause various health problems. What if too much sleep? A number of studies also stated too much sleep can also increase health problems.

Here, seven health problems if you sleep too much as quoted from Huffingtonpost.

  • Depression
    Based on the results of a 2014 study, researchers found that too much sleep or long sleep duration can increase a person's risk of depression.
    The results showed, those who sleep within 7-9 hours at night at 27 percent risk of depression. While those who sleep 9 hours or more, 49 percent risk of experiencing depression.

  • Damaging the brain
    A 2012 study shows that too much sleep can damage brain function.Researchers found that women who sleep more than 9 hours every night or less than five hours, his brain will experience aging two years faster. Meanwhile, against elderly women, sleeping too much sleep can worsen brain function for six years.

  • Difficult to get pregnant

    For women, too much sleep also increases the risk of difficulty conceiving. In 2013, a team of Korean researchers analyzed the sleep habits of about 650 women who took the IVF program.
    The results showed, the highest pregnancy rate occurs in women who sleep for 7 to 8 hours. While the lowest pregnancy rate occurs in women who sleep 9-11 hours at night. Reproductive endocrinologist physician Evan Rosenbluth says poor sleep habits can alter a person's body's cyclical rhythm, hormone secretion, to a woman's menstrual cycle.

  • Diabetes
    Researchers from Quebec, Canada, also found that people who slept more than twice as likely to have type 2 diabetes compared to those who had enough sleep at night.

  • Obesity
    People who sleep too much also risk becoming obese. A six-year study conducted by Quebec revealed that overweight participants were more obese than those who slept fairly overnight. The study results show, those who sleep for 9-10 hours, 25 percent more risk to gain weight as much as 5 pounds.

  • Heart disease
    In a study presented at the American College of Cardiology meeting in 2012, sleeping more than 8 hours each night also increases the risk of heart problems. This is evidenced when researchers analyze about 3,000 people. The result, those who sleep longer duration, two times more likely to experience angina or known as sitting wind disease and 1.1 times more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease.

  • Life is shorter

A number of studies also linked poor sleep quality to a person's lifespan. Based on 16 studies conducted in 2010, people who slept more than 8 hours at night were 1.3 times more likely to have a shorter life span or early death.

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