STEEM GUERILLA TAKEOVER: 10 Irrefutable Reasons Why You Should Delete Your Facebook Account Now!

Hello Steemians,

Before you start reading this article, say one word with me; "Fuck Mock Suckerberg". Yeah, I know there seems to be 3 words but two of them will soon become non-existent as people massively #DeleteFacebook. Heck! There feeds are already down by 15% in barely few days.


Check the recent trends in twitter and you will find why this is so. I have a friend who told a story of how he was gisting with his fiancee about some new clothing wears he wants to buy for her. Zoom into 2 hrs later when he checks in on his Fakebook feeds and there it is; a frigging ad for women's gowns.

This is not the first nor the last time these rats have been caught snooping on people. Google does it too. They frigging spy on you and sell you ads. OhMG!

If you feel cheated like me, then you are probably already contemplating the next step you will take. Bam! Steemit is the next step outta that mess. Freedom is what you need and here it is abundant.

Just incase you still need to make up your mind, I present you...

10 Irrefutable Reasons Why You Should Delete Your Facebook Account Now!

This is by far the most important point. How can they be collecting billions of dollars worth of money from selling people's information and not even a cent is given on the person's birthday. Yet they know your birthday. What an irony? Everyday billions of people all over the world use these apps. Some of them try to make good posts (most are retards, sorry to say). They share, comment and even take it offline, further popularizing the app. All they can do for them most times is remind them of a friendversary with a random stranger.

On Steemit its the complete opposite. You are paid for content creation and curation. Mark these 2 words because they are the basis of all the activities you will ever carry out here. You are said to be creating content when you write something original and adding value just like this article. You are said to be curating content when you seek me out and vote for this article because you know it's saying an undluted truth! Now the most beautiful thing about doing those things is that we all get paid. The Author and the Voter in a ratio of 3:1 ie 75% vs 25%. Common. There's no better deal somewher else.

Yeah! If you are like me, then you will hate it when you see certain ads on your timeline. What did I ever do to deserve an ad on 'one-useless-product-I-do-not-or never-intend-buying-bullshit'? Seriously, I don't care. Go sell your shit someplace else. Not on my media. Besides you suck!

On Steemit, I'm glad to officially announce my "FREEDOM FROM ADS". Yeah. Thats what I enjoy everyday. I chose the material most dear to me and follow it. Thats what I'm ever gonna see on my 'feeds'. No B.S about a bank. If you as a bank want to enter my timeline, then you have to earn it just like every other person. No! It won't be by promising me N100 recharge card which you will most likely not give. You have to bring value to MY BRAIN FIRST.

Ever wonder why your data finish so quick? It actually them. Imagine the non-sense auto-video playing. How can they justify that if not to bully you. Especially Fb. And the videos are usually ads. No I dont want to watch your airline advert or your bank's advert. g2H!

On Steemit, you are your own boss. You choose what you wanna choose, watch what you want, be who you want. AS LONG AS YOU BRING VALUE then you bring joy. No useless autoplay bullshit.

Kai! This one adds up with the point below. All these media are full of DRAMA. If its not 2 celebrities quarelling, it may be 2 ignoramuses bull-fighting for bullshit. They insult, curse, disturb, troll, spam all at once. And in keeping with this drama theory, they all usually want to talk about the same thing. So you have to keep talking about God vs atheism; christians vs muslims; this political party versus another; sexual orientation. The most annoying thing is that most of them have annoying unresearched opinions on everything.

On Steemit, no one cares about all those shit. You could be black or white; christian or muslim; straight or gay; whatever...all we want from you is value. Add value to our lives. Let me read your posts and give my life to 'whatever' it is you are talking about. Cryptocurrencies, steemit, contests, photography, travels, etc. These are what keep you going not an unoriginal retarded drama where 2 idiots are washing their dirty linens outside.

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Pissing on other social media sites...

Some days you will be scrolling through your timeline,I mean, the quality of what you will see will make you want to delete your eyes. Oh no! But you cant unsee what you have already seen. Now you have to consciously eat shit. My friends, pls run for your dear life. You may not know it but the more you hang around there, the more your IQ shrinks further and further into oblivion.

Come to Steemit where knowledgeable, smart and talented people are clustered. Everyone here is a quality freak. You daren't come here and post fake information or post stupid jokes or poor quality nonsense. You will be ignored by the community and you will be worse off for it. Your reputation will drop like a bomb on Hiroshima. Aswear!

There is no clear cut-out policy on plagiarism. So you can make a post just now and the next minute you see it in one of your 'friend's' timeline. Did he/she give you any credits? Most of the time its a NO! It can be a very painful experience. The worst part of it is that you will feel powerless. You really can't do anything to the person. And you will be walking about everyday knowing that you are "washing your hands to crack kernel for fowls"- Igbo proverb

Here on Steemit, its the complete opposite. People are severely penalized for plagiarism. Even using a quote without quoting it is a sin on this platform. Proper referencing of both words and pictures is the watchword.

You can't really say what's on your mind. You are being monitored by 'reporters'. You will easily get banned. So for example, if you are the type that likes to talk about sex or sexual orientation or religion or politics, you could get banned once you are opposing the view of the owner of the site.

Steemit is different. This platform recognizes the differences between all of us. That's why they created tags. Once you use the right tag, only those who are attracted to your works will find you. People are penalized for using the wrong tags. Eg if you put a strip video in "life tag". Sexual contents already have their own tag, known as NSFW. It means NotSafeForWork. So once you put it there. People are warned before they open it.

How do you lump people together just because they happened to have been in the same secondary school? That's already limiting on a global scale in the sense that a Nigerian like me would not have gone to the same school or lived in the same place with Brad Pitt. So I'm I cursed to a lifetime of never interacting with him? What if we have similar ideology? What if he would have loved my thought processes?

Who cares where you are from? WHo cares where you schooled? As long as you are bringing value to the table, the world will stop and respect you. In the same vein, I don't really want to know whether we are siamese twins. I dont care whether we are related by blood or not. Let us just be thinking on a similar level.

I think Steemit is the best thing since the discovery of Okpa. Lolx. Just like I described above in terms of tagging, you can find people that are like you. Be you are poet, a farmer, a businessman, a vixen. There is something for everyone here.

Have you ever wondered how it is that you receive random text messages from unknown numbers? I bet you, someone sold you out. They keep suggesting you should add random people. Some of whom you have nothing in common with.

Firstly Like already enumerated above, there are no Ads. So there's no motive to sell your information and behavoural patterns. Secondly, they didn't even ask for much of your information in the 1st place. They only basically have your email address. That's all. Every other thing is open source.

People hide too many things including the ones that shouldnt be. Why can't I see the number of friends that you have? Why can't I see your previous posts? Perhaps you have something to hide. Perhaps you have put too much information out there. You are not trustworthy. You are not accountable. I guess.

This is the greatest irony of the blockchain network. Its open-source yet its private. How? I think it all depends on you. They have put the (steem) power in your hands. You make the decision on how much information you want to release out there. Just Steemit.

So in conclusion my friends, Steemit is the best thing since sliced bread. I have analysed this system and seen the potentials that it carries. Well, except for a few bad eggs trying to steal our happiness. For every 12 there's a Judas. But they can't win!

That's why I keep inviting valuable people to come share in the wisdom on this platform. Within a week of visiting and scrolling through, your whole life will take an upturn....TO THE MOON BABY!...TO THE MOON!...because this is the future of social media. It solves all the problems security, privacy, morality, rewards etc with one single stroke of steem. And the prospects are GOOOOOOOOD!

Heck! Even Mock knows his site is crap!

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