confession story. #34

Q. What's your inspiration?
A. Life. And people I come across in my life.And yes once I was broked. 

Q. What's your age?
A. When I think, I'm 80. When I enjoy, I'm 23. When I'm innocent, I'm 2.

Q. Do you get admirers?
A. I do. And that's purely for my writings. I don't have huge followers but out of these 4812 friends and 139K followers in page , most of them have read my work and they know me through that. That's an achievement for me.

Q. Why don't you revealed yourself a year ago when you started to work on page?
A. I may look like the ugliest person on this planet or a handsome hunk but that will never bother my writings. There are many readers on this page who have seen me but I am not here to sell my face. I'm here to share my thoughts and writings and I strongly believe that physical appearance is not the only parameter of someone's personality. I'm sure that I'll receive the same love and respect even if I'm not a beautiful face.

Q. Why do you write Girl oriented post mostly?
A. (You actually want to ask if I want to get laid and is it the reason why I prefer female protagonists.) Well, I have always been a believer that there is no other differences between a male and a female other than what the mother nature has created. However, there is a reason why i write female oriented fables because I've read stories in my childhood where in most of them, the protagonist was a male. Maybe because it's a male dominating society and that's why I read most of the stories with males playing the main role. So I wanted to break the clutter. As simple as that.
P.s.- In most of my post, you can interchange the gender and the meaning will remain same. Go and try it. ;)

Q. Do you get proposals?
A. Dude, yes I get messages from girls and most are really genuine. Maybe because they are 'Readers'. And to make it crystal clear, let me tell you that I HAVE NEVER GOT ANY PROPOSAL and I'm not a celebrity to be frank. I dont even expect nor I'm interested. For you, i have an advice. Don't even try to be a writer if you think that it works. Girls do admire my work but that doesn't mean they want to be my girlfriend. I have never ever flirted with any of my readers and I wanted to put this point across. Any girl can comment on this post if I ever tried to be 'cocky/phony/retard/hunk'

Q. Why do you write?
A. Tell me, why do you breathe
Q. Do you have published books?
A. Not till now.

Q. Are you a serious writer or a romantic writer?
A. I believe in life. So, I'm a lively writer.

Q. Do you Copy the post or write it by yourself,if copied why don’t you mention their name?
A. When I firstly entered in page,I always tried to make my post orginals,but sometime I do copy not because I wanted to be hero among others,I copied them because someone should get knowledge about the post.I never beg for sympathy and procreation.I usually write by my own but people found it same as other post.And about not mentioning other on their post than no one knows about the writer,my simple goal is to make others happy. 

Q. Why you put your name Gatsby as an admin name?
A. Actually,I read a novel called The Great Gatsby,and I found the story quite similar to me.
So I give my nickname “Gatsby”. 

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