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The Accelerating, Global, Biological Extinction Event: Red-White-and-Blue Musterfl*ck
5 days ago
sgtreport64 in politics
NOTE: This article is being posted on Steemit/SGTreport at the request of the author, Richard Sauder.

by Richard Sauder, Event Horizon Chronicle, via

Well, you can see it all starting to come into focus. The artificially created social divisions and societal chaos, in many countries simultaneously.

The ongoing, coordinated take-down of the USSA brick and mortar economy, and that of most of the rest of the world.

The accelerating, global, biological extinction event.

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The steady drum beat for conflict and war -- against North Korea, against Iran, against Venezuela, against China, against Russia, in Afghanistan ... and on and on.

The artificial political crisis that the Deep State has produced in the USSA and in many other countries.

The ever present threat of massive natural disasters, such as the huge flooding event now getting underway in Texas, due to the days of heavy rainfall that hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression Harvey will unleash over the next week - and possibly even longer.

The increasingly deadlier, radioactive contamination of the biosphere, due to Fukushima, Chernobyl, decades of nuclear weapons testing, depleted uranium weapons battlefield use, nuclear power plants, nuclear waste dumps and nuclear storage sites, etc.

The declining sustainability of "modern" urban areas, as teeming cities become more crime ridden, unemployment rises, living standards decline and environmental contamination builds up.

Rapidly increasing failure of natural ecosystems, as great forests are cut down and seas are polluted and choked with waste of every description.

Decline of basic reasoning, analytical and practical life and social skills, as vast hordes of people, the world over, increasingly turn to their personal, digital devices for, well, everything, in lieu of thinking for themselves, interacting with actual, live human beings, or engaging in tangible, real world activities. The net result is a less human world and living environment as the human race willingly embraces the artificial, transhumanist, slippery slope down which it is now plunging headlong.

The burgeoning use and practice of gene editing, micro-chipping, genetic modification, transsexual alteration, pharmaceutical substance use and misuse of every variety, social and behavior engineering and modification, and more.

You get the idea. We are all awash in the insanity and frankly, demonic grotesqueness of these things.

It is becoming more and more difficult to be a "normal" human being.

And that is the intention, my friends. To deride, diminish and destroy the normal, natural human and replace him or her with monstrosities, with freaks; to marginalize, criminalize or even make impossible life as a normal human being.

This is a multi-front assault against sane, normal, healthy humanity by wicked, evil, demonically dark forces. We must see it for what it is.

Back To The Numbers Again

I know I have mentioned the website before in previous blog posts, but given Deagel's evident ties to the global military-industrial and alphabet soup agency complex, the near future population levels as presented on their website for all of the world's countries are of special interest.

Notably, many of the world's countries are predicted to suffer massive depopulation by 2025, which means that the precipitous population loss could conceivably even happen later this year, or next year, or in 2019. That is what an objective reading of the Deagel numbers suggests.

According to Deagel, by 2025 the USSA will lose 83% of its population, down from 324 million people to just 54 million. Only massive economic collapse, nuclear war, catastrophic failure of the national power grid, apocalyptic natural disasters, run away infectious plague and similar events can cause such a massive loss of life in such a short period of time. In brief, sees huge, civilization and life ending events just ahead for the USSA.

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But not only for the USSA. Many countries in Europe, the Middle East and East Asia will also face dramatic loss of life in the next several years -- according to

France, Israel, Turkey, the Ukraine, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and others will lose many millions of people in the coming years -- according to These aren't my numbers, but I am paying careful attention to them, because of's obvious ties to global forces and agencies in the know.

Notice that North Korea is listed in the 2016 roster of countries at number 99, but in the 2025 listing North Korea is conspicuously absent; it is entirely gone from the list.

North Korea is not the only one. In 2016, lists 209 countries. The roster of countries is reduced to just 183 on the 2025 list. North Korea is one of the missing countries, as are Gibraltar, San Marino, Bermuda, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, American Samoa and some others.

One possible interpretation of these country population numbers is that has caught wind of a major, planned upcoming war, in which North Korea will be completely wiped out, as will more than 80% of the USSA, a very big chunk of Europe, most of Israel and some other parts of the Middle East, including serious damage to western Pacific nations such as Australia, and various small banking centers, as well as small, Anglo-American power centers such as Gibraltar and Bermuda. foresees that Russia and China will emerge virtually unscathed from whatever is projected to occur, as will most of Africa and Latin America, with the exception of Puerto Rico, which will be hammered very hard.

Look at their numbers and make of them what you will, but I believe that a scenario like that is very likely what they are contemplating.

And truthfully, look at the world headlines soberly and see the direction that global events are trending. It appears that have and they have reached a stark conclusion: the days of global hegemony of the USSA and its vassal states are numbered. It is all about to come to an abrupt, lethal, mass mortality halt.

Or so the people at think. We shall see, one way or the other, in the relatively near term.

But one thing is abundantly clear: things cannot continue on much longer as they are without major global change, for better or for worse. Massive change lies just ahead. It is absolutely baked in the cake at this point. Major, global events are in motion and they will certainly run their course, of that you can be sure.

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