Open letter to a future Steemian

It might seem weird to you that I'm writing you this letter months before you even showed up, but the more I think about my motives here, the more I wish someone had told me these things when I first started more than a year ago. So, even though you might not walk away feeling too motivated from this letter, at least initially, I hope that you take my words seriously and don't repeat the same mistakes plenty of us have made on this blockchain called Steem.

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Anyways, I suspect that if you found this letter written long before you arrived, it's because you are a bit frustrated and confused. There is a good chance that a prominent steemian who was promoting this blockchain convinced you that coming to STEEM was going to be a sure way for you to make money, and of course, some days or weeks into your journey you are beginning to suspect you've were lied to. In truth, yes, that's not how things work, and for the life of me I don't know how people keep on making any guarantees still, more than two years into the project, it's as if promoters refuse to see how setting these unrealistic expectations have backfired so many times before.

Maybe the best piece of wisdom I can provide for you is this: most people won't make much here, most won't become dolphins, they won't become whales and honestly that is not because of the way STEEM works, at least not exclusively, but more because our very nature. So the first idea that I think all of us should discard is this unrealistic expectations if you will. Now, this is not me saying that no one will succeed, this is of course demonstrably not the case, but those who do for the most part, have worked really hard in one way or another, or had the financial means to start out with a clear advantage. But again, that is just the way life works.

If you are beginning to feel frustrated, if you are thinking about quitting know that you are not alone. As a matter of fact, early on my steemian journey I saw many talented people join, make a splash, if you will, and then quit when their expectations were not met. What I found somewhat sad about that is that most if not all of the ones that have left, did so, without ever understanding the real reasons why it was not working for them. Between the endless debates that never seem to go anywhere regarding merit, quality or even talent, at some point in time all the ones who left felt the game was stacked against them.

Why am I saying this? Because I suspect that if you are here right now, you are also writing down on your blog possibly, reasons why STEEM is broken and reasons why it's probably going to fail. You probably feel that your content is amazing, and thus whales and dolphins should be able to see this and reward you for sharing it on here. But, as I simplify the position that so many people have, let me ask you one question: How did you arrive to the conclusion that anyone had to support your efforts? The key word here being had.

And listen, I say this not because I don't understand the effort that someone might put into their content, of course not. I've seen some amazing writers, amazing musicians who are far better than me at everything they do quit too, because they've stepped into this line of thinking and lose all desire to continue. In truth anyone who has built an audience, or a stake here with content, has probably done so in the most difficult of ways, not applying much in the way of tricks. They've probably posted hundreds of times without making a penny, probably gotten flagged by someone plenty of times, and endured plenty of challenges along the way. I for one don't know anyone who has always had it easy, but I'm willing to be proven wrong of course.

I suspect that you will also find this letter at a time when STEEM is a lot higher than it is today sitting at 80 cents. So, there is a good chance you are looking at the trending page, looking at the exorbitant payouts and wondering how in the hell is that a thing. If you let it, these thoughts are going to shift into anger, make you wanna yell at bidbot owners, at whales for upvoting content you find valueless, and of course inspire a lot of posts about how STEEM will fail along the way. This might be some tough love, but it's just honesty pouring out of me; There almost 0 chance anything you have to say is something we've all not heard before. Yes, all the complaints you may have about what is fair and what is not have existed almost since day one, and it's not that no one cares, it's that this is one of these situations where you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't demand freedom, while at the same time dictate behaviors, and if you are not familiar with the freedom that blockchains represent, then I suspect you've not dug deep enough.

I will tell you one little trick, one thing you can do, but only if you are willing to put in the work. It's so simple that some people don't ever believe it; Become part of the community!. Get on discord, get on steem chat, make friends, network with others, find people who love the same things you do, and participate in their activities. If you don't think about the money, but do a superb job at growing your network, eventually you will do well. But, if you think that with content alone, with the merit of quality you will become a whale one day, allow me to burst your bubble, that will never happen.

Another thing I want to tell you before we say goodbye... Be yourself, that's not too difficult to do, but for some reason it seems to be the case at times. Write about the things that you like, make videos about the things you enjoy, don't worry about niches, what others want to read or hear.... Who cares? - People want connection, we all do... I for one like supporting good human beings with good ideas, not just ideas because those lack soul. If you are genuine eventually you will garnish enough support, and trust me this is probably the only thing that seems to be consistent, even if your ideas are a little fringe or crazy.

At any rate, I hope you don't leave.... I hope reading a letter from this stranger has given your expectations a needed reset. As a good friend said to me once, and I've began to repeat her words. This is an endurance test, and only those who are able to see the good, even when many things are not great, will be the ones to reap the benefits of this blockchain.


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