Steam is too difficult.

Although I have put a lot of money into steem and I believe it will be great one day. but I do not believe it will take off like people are expecting it to in it's current form. It is way too difficult and confusing for the average person to deal with. it is much easier to just get on Facebook or some other social media. Steem needs to find a way to make all of this much easier to understand and deal with it. Not being able to post a video as easily as posting a photo is another big drawback. Your average person would rather post a video and they are not going to go through all the steps needed to do that on Steem when they can just push one button on Facebook.
I truly wants steem to succeed but if you want the masses to come it will need to be much easier for them to deal with. As far as the currency goes it speaks for itself it has been stuck in the dollar $1.22 to $1.35 range for months now I fear it will not get out of this slump until something changes. I hope the steam developers are working on this. If you only cater to the crowd that is willing to do the work to post a video or to figure out how to deal with steem and steem dollars , powering up and the rest of it your platform will never reach numbers like Facebook. I believe if something doesn't change soon steem will begin to fail. not enough people can explain how to do it and not enough people are going to want to take the time to learn a whole new difficult process when something is easy as Facebook or Instagram or any of the other social media's out there. Please for the sake of steam and the people that are in it now fix this problem. make it easier.

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