Losing $3,000 in Two Weeks Has Never Felt So Good.


Two weeks ago I went all-in on steem, I invested all the spare money I had, a total of around $6k into steempower. Why did I do that? because I believe in steemit and steem that much and I also feel to really grow here on steemit you have to have a decent amount of steempower as well as good content.

My account after investing



It felt really good to be able to upvote posts by my followers and actually make a difference, it also felt really good to reward people who commented on my posts with a nice upvote, but one thing I did not think about till I invested, was that my money was now locked up in steempower for at least 3 months which meant I could not panic sell everything at the first sign of trouble and I didn't have to constantly check the price of steem as it didn't really matter, I was in it for the long run and that felt good in my mind and for my blood pressure.

My account now.



If you take into account the extra steempower I have earnt then I am $3k down but for some strange reason I am totally OK with that, If I saw that my bank account was $3k down I would have a heart attack, If I had bought gold 2 weeks ago and it lost $3k I would freak out but as I am sitting here writing this post I actually have a smile on my face because I know as soon as Bitcoin sorts out it's scaling debate conclusion on the 1st Aug then it will be business as usual, in fact I see steem going way past the $2 it was a few weeks ago, which is why at the end of this next week I plan on investing another $3k into steempower and I suggest you do the same. oh and while your at it get some EOS too.

If your going to lose money then do it with steempower, it feels so much better :)

Peace and love to the World



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