New Meaningful Monument In My Town

A few days ago, a new monument was set up in Novi Sad. Monument to King Peter I Karadjordjević. It is located on the Republic Square in the city center. 2018 represents the symbolic year for the installation of this monument since it is exactly 100 years since the accession of the Vojvodina to the Kingdom of Serbia.

After the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy lost in the great war, Serbian soldiers occupied the Banat, Bačka and Baranja areas and took over the administration of this territory. On November 25th, 1918. a meeting was held convening an affiliation with the Kingdom of Serbia. On December 1st of the same year, the Kingdom of Serbia unites with the Croats and Slovenes and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is formed. In Serbian known as "Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca" or simply "Kraljevina SHS".


Petar I Karađorđević was the king of Serbia from 1903 to 1918 and from 1918 the ruler of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to his death in 1921. Before acquiring the title of the King he lived abroad with his parents and fought in the French army in the French-Prussian war. He was a favorite figure amongst people. In late years, many people called him Mr. Pera (nickname for Peter in Serbian) which he never got angry about, what's more he was happy that he had that kind of relation with the people in the Kingdom.


Here on the left side of the monument it says:
"Freedom opens people's eyes, to know their flaws and to treat them. Freedom gives them the opportunity to meet their virtues, to develop them and invest in the activity by which one can improve their strength, mental and physical well-being. To alone and in cooperation with other nations bring the whole humanity to the goal that is specified by the God.

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