Jutsus explained by the Naruto fan!

Hello dear Steemians :)
As somebody who has watched the whole "Naruto" series from the first episode to the last episode of "Naruto Shippūden" I consider myself a reliable source of information when it comes to this franchise. I may not know as much as Naruto-wiki but I do know a lot. I got to admit that I feel kind of irritated or annoyed or..call it how ever you want to but I get frustrated when people are debating on topics related to the series and they don't know what's the difference between taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu. Since I think that the difference between the three is so obvious, let me explain it to you. Sorry if I am coming off as a bit arrogant but I just want to paste the link of this post to anyone that is trying to convince me that Naruto's genjutsu is better than Gara's and similar stuff.


So, starting of with the simplest of the three, the taijutsu. Taijutsu is basically entire martial-arts skill combined. It can be learned. Of course just like everything else some ninjas are more gifted for different types of jutsus than others. To be honest, in my opinion you can become very strong shinobi only by mastering taijutsu. The first one who comes to my mind is of course Rock Lee. He lacked the skills necessary to use ninjutsu or genjutsu but his taijutsu was among the best. He became a taijutsu master while he was still a genin and special thanks for that go to his mentor Might Guy. If you have watched the ninja war in which Guy participates then you know what I'm talking about. All that power he gains from opening those gates, it's just extraordinary.

The next type of jutsu is genjutsu. Genjutsu requires chakra to be performed. What's so important and what makes the difference between genjutsu and ninjutsu is that genjutsu's effects are not real. These are various kinds of illusionary techniques that can sometimes be dodged or escaped, depending on the shinobi using genjutsu and the genjutsu technique itself. For example, we all remember when Itachi came to Konoha with Kisame Hoshigaki, Kakashi warned his friends to do not, under any circumstances look Itachi in his eyes because they would fall under his genjutsu. Although Kakashi warned his teammates he didn't manage to not look Itachi in his eyes and he experienced Itachi's genjutsu himself. By genjutsu Itachi managed to control his cerebral nervous system which affected all the five senses. It's really tough to perform because it requires precise chakra control.


The last but not least is ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is kind of hard to explain but I'll do my best. Just like genjutsu, ninjutsu also requires chakra to be performed. Ninjutsu is basically all that's not genjutsu and taijutsu. It's basic usage of one's chakra. Some ninjutsus require using hand seals and some do not. Since the ninjutsu is so extensive, it's divided into the few main categories. These are: sealing jutsu, cursed seal jutsu, medical ninjutsu, reincarnation ninjutsu, space ninjutsu, time ninjutsu and barrier ninjutsu. Cursed seal jutsu is also known as juinjutsu. It the type of jutsu that Orochimaru used on Sasuke so it's important to not confuse it with other sealing jutsus.

That's it my fellows. I hope that you find this post helpful and entertaining. If you think that I've made some mistakes please leave your thoughts in the comment section below. I may be wrong on some stuff and I'd like you to correct my theory and the way I view jutsus. Take care @markex.

Source of images - Pixabay

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