Bought 4,000+ More Steem! Saying Fuck Comfort, And Yes to Steem!

Im currently in a mind state of accumulation. I’m living my life in a minimalistic way right now to save money to through back into Steem. (This is going to sound horrible.) I’ve noticed I spend around $12-$15 a day just in Energy Drinks, and then another $20 on food. I saw this and said what the fuck am I doing? I instantly stopped that shit. I switched to water, and black coffee. This week I believe I spent $10 on Food and Water. As this year is ending I saw how much I made throughout the year and have nothing to show for it. Yes I paid all my bills, but that’s only about 50 percent of my income, where the hell did the other 25K go? I spent it on all the comfort bullshit. So last week I said I’m putting a stop to all that comfort bullshit and I’m going to find comfort in myself. Instead of buying comfort I’m going to buy Steem; which will eventually lead to the ultimate comfort.


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