STEEM Use Case: A Record of Value by Proof of Thought


Everyone always tells you to remember your life, but I seem to struggle with how. I don’t take as many pictures as I should, and I live in the present too often to think about the past. As someone that knows the importance of experience in learning more about the world and yourself, I am irked that I don’t have a larger pool of past experiences close enough by to recant and generate liquidity pools of knowledge.

My computer brain only has one access terminal through my consciousness and often its bogged down with the tasks of my everyday life. With so restricted access to the wealth of already stored knowledge, it frightens me how much data will be locked in cold storage never having the chance to be queried.

This scenario I couldn’t have described to you had I not written the thoughts as they occurred to me. But the fact that I did write that thought means it is now cemented in record. Everyday thoughts come to my mind and leave as a faint ember of their origins; a thin connection between two nodes of theoretical thought. Writing down the train of thought records a logbook of ideas and the evidence of the thought that was behind it.

This brings us to the concept of proof of thought. Your synapses are the hash generation function of a proof of work protocol blockchain and the blocks created are the thought transactions recorded. If suddenly you have some huge connection where everything makes sense, a block has been mined. Our brains can’t scale however and a lot of those transactions that make up a block are swept away as unimportant. I would argue that many of these are very relevant and the immediate access to the entire blueprint of thought that is behind each value, belief, and perspective would wholly benefit one’s decision making and understanding of self. Having a record of these transactions in the order they were thought and logically rolled into creation from one’s thinking is the proof that thought that has occurred, or ‘Proof of thought’.

This proof of thought is important as it establishes ownership of an idea through connective nodes of thought to the author. The work seen in front of you is evidence of my personal train of thought. It is only with my own perspectives and experiences could I have created such a work.

Value is also established with proof of thought. The individual road map of a thought process is so intricately important to the overall conception of a thought that the observation of its genesis, evolution, and finale allows individuals to categorize and interpret these ideas and ultimately assimilate them into their own blockchain of thoughts.

The only way to get this value however is to mine the blocks out of your own head. Mental mining requires starting at the beginning of a thought process and following each transaction down its list in order until you reach the end. Recording the exact order and its flow confirms its validity as your own and has created value from your synapses.
The existence and perception of these thoughts by others verifies the proof of the thought and mental work that was generated in their creation. The process of mining is the transcription of synapses and thoughts to an overarching idea block, while funneling this information through a conduit, such as writing or speaking, is its translation. Those who are the most efficient through all stages of a blockchain of thought will create the most value.

Value is not only to mean that it is solely something coveted by others. I must reiterate the importance of a record of thought. The experiences gained throughout life and the instantaneous thoughts that occur then are products of that specific instance of thought and no other. You are recording your life and thus the proof of your existence in time as you created this thought. This is very grandeur filled and I most likely don’t do it justice, but, in short, the ability to record your existence in time for anyone to experience provides a magnificent feeling of worth.

The potential to extend generations beyond myself by simply recording my thoughts and allowing others a channel to the information I possess is breathtaking. Connecting is the purpose of interaction and the ability to do so through a record of thought transcends the time at which it was recorded.

None of this is really new information as people have been recording their thoughts for thousands of years. But the ability to do so permanently, immutably, and for the rest of the foreseeable future is a powerful tool to connect and stake your existence on planet earth. The STEEM blockchain is a revolutionary technology to accomplishing this permanence of record. The utility of an immutable ledger in the transcription and translation of thought assigns these thoughts value to both self and other by acting as a resolute exchange of information and ideas.

My thoughts on the importance of writing and having a record of individuality had been strong recently and I knew I needed to cement them in record to see and catalog my true understanding and passion behind my actions. Adding to the record of my life builds up my own personal book of experiences and ideas to flip through at will to pull from my knowledge and previous actions. Writing gives you a lot of power in connectivity, but it requires an input of neural processing power and mental mining before it can be yield multimodal value.


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