Has the crypto market reached the bottom? is Steem a good buy?


It's Lordnigels had a couple of drinks rant again - Sorry guys..anyways here I go... again!

Prices are dropping across the board, but have we reached the bottom?..will the market ever be what it once was?

My thoughts are absolutely!! but I don't suspect the markets will behave in the ridiculous way they were.

If you have been following for awhile you know a couple of inside secrets, like the fact its highly unlikely bitcoin will ever drop below $5500 AUS... like it is possible, but highly unlikely - This is because of those bitcoin holders who said they will never sell.  No one knows this stuff for sure, but I reacon we have seen the investor/stock broker types pull out for a bit..and thank god!

Problem is they have had a taste of the good thing, and their investor clients now have very high expectations. in other words the buggers will be back! the moment suckers! err I mean short-term thinking people expose themselves for the taking again.

I think people have had a gut-full of companies offering 2000% increases if you buy this or that ICO. Then the owners who control the ICO dumping their coins on the market and decreasing the cost. OK not all do that, but some of the stories are shocking.

...it's like no reward for loyalty at all the days anywhere I look...almost just the opposite. Of course short term investors are always going to complain and go..how do we shake more out.

Still, here on Steemit the worlds most used blockchain we wait for SMT and have faith in @ned to provide. 

All the signs are there; He is hiring new talent, he is visiting the key targets audiences that invest, he has explained how it will all work, everything is primed - Just no release?? It sux, like I know its coming and the longer it take the better off I'll be cause I'll have more Steem and I pity the fools who aren't using these quiet times to power-up! and suggest If you have a few bucks, Steem is a bargain now...time to collect :)

..but still there is this thing in the back of my mind..will it ever come?

What do you think Steemians, has the crypto market reached the bottom, is now the time to buy when so many are pulling out? or is this the end of Crypto as we know it?

Come share your thoughts? Love to hear what others are thinking.

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