This guy is the reason small crypto steemit accounts don't get rewarded in a way they deserve to. Why?

Look at his upvotes. The same whales on every single post, making all his posts trending, causing mainstream attention and a ton of undeserved upvotes because people see "he already has a lot of upvotes, so this must be a good post, I'll upvote too then". But in reality he is messing with the whole cryptocurrency community on steemit, because maybe you don't know this but there is a limited reward pool, and if he comes in every 2 hours with a new post that's only 10 lines long with some "TA" in it, getting a ton of upvotes on it, then what's left for the other small accounts, trying to start out on steemit? Nothing. You can put hours of work in your post, doesn't matter, it will never get trending or get the deserved rewards because of this greedy man. All he cares about is money, his TA isn't accurate - maybe the reason why he 'updates' his TA on big coins constantly so people forget about the previous inaccurate one, but inexperienced people fall for it because they know very little about TA and this has a lot of upvotes so this must be a credible source. Whilst he's not, it's a gamble, the principles he uses in his TA were made upon the stock market, which has a totally different personality and are therefore second to useless in the crypto sphere. Start flagging and stop upvoting. Look at his previous posts, don't you see that he just makes predictions based on where the market is going? When the market was growing all his TA indicated "huge profits", did any of those posts indicate the huge market dip we are in right now? No, but now that the market is dipping look, now coins are predicted to go down more by his "TA". He is abusing (your) inexperience and everyone is falling for it except the "haters" who are basically the only people that see through his dart-throwing.

Please share this, flag him, and together we will make the crypto community on steem great again. People are actively flagging him and rebuilding the beautiful crypto community where everybody has a chance and not just the ones abusing the steemit trending system and whale upvotes (upvotes from people with really high steem power). The whales on steem are one big circle who upvote one another so all of their posts are always trending and receive high amounts of the total reward pool, deserved or underserved.

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