Why Are We Flagging Manual Curation Projects Now?? Someone Help Me Out Here.... Enough Is Enough

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Yeah, it's time... today I woke up to 100 new messages and went to go check out the battlefield of Steem that I had been avoiding, but I can't ignore it anymore.. this shit has just gotten out of hand. So, I am putting on my mom hat and writing a post.. flags are welcome.

First things first

I have tried to stay out of this most recent fight for a few reasons;

  1. I think it’s dumb

  2. Getting involved always causes me issues

  3. I have been busy trying to help to build a foundation that could benefit the whole platform and didn't have enough time to also deal with grown ass man children fighting... yeah, I said it.

I have made a few comments, which apparently were taken as me choosing a side. I get how public perception can be taken and I really should be more aware of it, I will be working on that. I understand that many state I am in certain people's pockets and do their bidding.. so far those accusations include me being in Ned's pocket, Bernie's, Marky's, Aggroed's, The mafia's, and yes even FTG’s. People say stuff, its what they do... I have accepted it.

To put it all out there; I am not a huge fan of ftg, nothing personal, just my own opinion. There are many here I am not a fan of.. as many are not a fan of me, that's life. I don't flag him or go around bullying him or his friends, I have made a few comments over the time and some I was wrong in, I can admit that. Mostly I just ignore people I don't like here.. that's the beauty of the blockchain, I am not forced to interact with anyone. I have no problem with most of the things he does, minus the spamming and some other crap, and in fact I think he has done some great things.

On the other side; I have given berniesanders more shit personally than I have given anyone on this platform.. because while I think he does some great stuff, I also think he does some stupid shit.. and I make it known. Same with themarkymark, I support when he does good and give him hell when he does something stupid.. I get that that is not on chain so many don't see it..

I am just stating these things to get it all out in the open, in hopes that the community can hear the actual message I am trying to put forward and not think that this is some sort of personal thing.. because quite frankly, I have better things to be doing right now. But someone needs to say enough is enough.

The truth is I stand up for what I believe is right and have no blind loyalties to anyone, and I mean ANYONE.

I don't kiss ass, which any of the above names could confirm, as all have gotten a few angry messages from me telling them that they are doing something that is hurting the platform.. well except the mafia, I don't know them.

But this is just getting dumb

So here I am, butting into something that isn't my business to point out something that I think is hurting the platform.. and I hope the community can see I am trying to approach this from a neutral standpoint.

So here goes nothing...

Why the hell are we flagging manual curation efforts @fulltimegeek? Seriously, this is the most insane thing I have seen yet. Why?!?

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Yes, for those that don't know.. we have a childish whale fight happening..another one. I know it’s not the first and it most definitely wont be the last and quite frankly,

I don't care if you all want to flag the hell out of each other, do it.. great for the reward pool.

but why manual curation? Aren't these the projects we want on the platform?


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ah yes, the crazy curator account that the community has recently fallen in love with.. the one that has people excited about curation again, the one that many have said is the "best curation project on Steem right now" is somehow involved in this childish shitshow now? Why?

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156 unique authors out of 231 votes in the last 7 days.. pretty damn good stats by any curation group standard

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900 Steem sent (as steem power) to individuals that are contributing to this platform in many different ways.. not just sending Steem to friends.. again, another pretty damn good statistic for any curation guild.

So why the attacks?

Oh right, because of who delegates to it...

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So we are going to attack projects because of who supports it now? Weird as I see @fulltimegeek and @haejin supporting a certain curation project together.. so.. who supports curation doesn't really matter? As long as the cause is good? Not really sure here...

So, you might need to add a few more flags to your bot then...

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You didn't cover all the curation efforts after all.

So why am I standing up for @themadcurator?

Because I think its a great project, its doing great things, and its fun too. Everyone loves it, its supporting many different levels of authors and is doing manual curation in a time we need it most. And for those who don’t know, I’m kind of a supporter of curation efforts.

I don't care who delegates to it, I care about what it does... and that is support authors, which adds value to Steem as a whole.

And currently it is being attacked just because someone supports it.. enough is enough @fulltimegeek

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This morning I messaged Bernie to give him more hell over this dumb thing (because he actually responds sometimes) and he told me he already stopped his bots.. no idea what that means specifically as I didn't go digging.. but quite frankly.. @fulltimegeek, @themarkymark, and @berniesanders and whatever other accounts are involved in this.. flag away.. bury each other, I don't care. But I currently I only see one account flagging a completely innocent project though, and that is you @fulltimegeek

So just leave the manual curation projects alone.

Steem community, its time for our voices to be heard. Let's speak up for manual curation.

To the accounts above, I think you all are acting like children.. actually worse than children, as I taught mine to act better. But it's your stake and a free world, so if you want to play stupid games, go for it. I personally think you are all wrong, and this is just making this place look bad... but hey, do what you feel.

I am specifically making this post for the community to call for an end to the flags to @themadcurator, nothing more, nothing less.

So community, what do you think???

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