Mennnn, the feed is depressing guys, stop it!

Opening my feed yesterday and today was totally a icepick in the eye of a positive person.

Stop the powerdown!!
Fork out the bad guys!!
Take over control!!


Now I do realize that we have to think about how this issue should be adresses and there is no better place to share your opinion than on the blockchain itself, but is depressing.

Now let me start at first by saying that I think that forking about ANYBODY who so ever is the death of blockchaindemocracy. You can not just exclude someone, that is kiling the whole principle I find.

Now next to that, looking at all what we have been trying to achieve over the last couple of weeks by showing how diverse the Steem chain is, with a crazy amount of Dapps and what this chain can be. Now with this green run from this week it just might be that the attention is grabbed from investors.'hey everything is moving sideways, but Steem is on the rise, why is that??' and they start looking into what this chain is all capable of... And what do they find, discussions about forking out somebody.

Same thing for the Bittrex-Steem pair lobby. Super cool we are all twittering our asses off but do you think that bittrex will list a coin who has an option to fork out users? Im sure it will not help too much.

Now this is also starting to turn out into a negative post as well. I am not all deep enough in this matter to have a well argumented opinion on what then SHOULD happen, all I know now is that this not really helping us all.

/closes the laptop for the weekend and goes for beers and skiing to come back fresh on Monday

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