When We Call a Heart a Heart!

When we call a heart a heart @berniesanders @jerrybanfield.jpg

@berniesanders earned 30% more author rewards than I did this week on just one of many profiles which also includes @nextgencrypto, @randowhale, and many more!



Get Flagged!

In August 2017, @berniesanders was kind enough to let me know he would be downvoting my posts with his @nextgencrypto account on steemit.chat!

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Interesting Case Studies!

Currently earning $600+ on https://steemit.com/steem/@randowhale/randowhale-is-up-and-running-the-og-vote-bot-is-back-submit-your-requests-now equal to $3,000+ USD in SBD rewards payouts.

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Post about @blocktrades two weeks ago earning $600+ https://steemit.com/steem/@berniesanders/blocktrades-throwing-another-bitch-fit

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Win a cryptokitty post 2 days ago earning $200+ https://steemit.com/steem/@berniesanders/vote-on-this-post-and-get-a-free-virgin-cryptokitty

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$80 downvote on my recent Steem budget proposal launch post https://steemit.com/budget/@jerrybanfield/introducing-steem-budget-proposals

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$166 earned for posting three sentences asking for witness votes at https://steemit.com/steem/@berniesanders/i-have-multiple-witness-votes-available. 7 days later now there are 7 open witness vote spots at https://steemd.com/@berniesanders.

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The comments are really the best at https://steemit.com/@berniesanders/comments

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Voting Bots Providing Big Payouts!

As we can see, the @buildawhale voting bot by @themarkymark is the largest single source of upvotes for @berniesanders allowing for some of the highest author rewards on Steem using delegated Steem power in exchange for bids.

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Delegations to @buildawhale can be viewed at https://steemworld.org/@buildawhale by selecting delegations in. @blocktrades provides the single largest delegation at 1,546,807.851 Steem Power equal to about $3 million dollars worth of voting power.

Self Voting The Rest!

With over a million Steem power, @berniesanders is one of the top Steem power holders in our community! Self-upvotes provide him the second biggest payout through @randowhale and the rest of the accounts under his control. @steemed-proxy has also added hundreds of dollars to recent posts while @blocktrades and @thejohalfiles provided two of the largest downvotes on the post about @blocktrades. We might get a good laugh remembering that @berniesanders wrote about @blocktrades and then voted the post up with @buildawhale twice as much as @blocktrades could vote it down.

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Welcome to My World!

@berniesanders and @ats-david recently have been in my thoughts each day. Each are top downvoters and critics on many of our posts including mine. Do I have critical thoughts? Absolutely. I have fought back in my mind a hundred times. I have made devastating comebacks from entire post and video ideas to epic one liners. None of these have I shared. Today we see this in what we hope is a spirit of love, acceptance, and belonging from one member of our community featuring the amazing worth of another.

Anyone in my world is here to be loved and I have been falling short on loving the both of you. Starting yesterday as I was reading The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama,‎ Desmond Tutu,‎ and Douglas Carlton Abrams, a very helpful meditation came up. For twenty minutes or so, I held both @berniesanders and @ats-david in my mind repeatedly thinking "I love you" and "I wish for you to have all of the joy in the world" along with seeing this post written. As I write this post I do that now even though I know neither of your "real names" or "identities."

Fortunately we have a direct heart to heart connection we can all feel if we are sensitive enough to experience it. Every day that each of you continues to summon me I shall ensure I remember to hold you in loving meditation to love you exactly as you are. All 500,000 of us here are equally valuable members of this community and today we join together in love to celebrate this.

Calling a Heart a Heart!

While I enjoyed a great laugh from the title "When ya call a spade a spade..." at https://steemit.com/steem/@berniesanders/blocktrades-throwing-another-bitch-fit, it also inspired me to call a heart a heart because it takes one to know one.

Every one of us is loved no matter what we do here. Each of our contributions is meaningful regardless of how much it earns. Every witness is important from rank 1 to rank 400. Every upvote matters. Every thought matters.

Today I am grateful I have the courage to call a heart a heart and to be open to responding with love to whatever comes into my life. After many years of responding with hate and using hateful language and suffering in the hell of hateful isolation, today I am lucky to be here to have something else to share.

@berniesanders and @ats-david we love you and thank you for all you have done to add value to Steem! I am honored you have so much passion for the posts I share along with those shared by so many more of us. We love you and and value your contributions so much we thought it might be nice to all take a look at some of them here today!

I am therefore calling you both a beautiful heart that I love as much as my family, friends, and upvoters. Each time I see your names in votes and comments, I shall feel joy to remain connected with you and at your request to receive unconditional love.

Jerry Banfield

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