The Hypocrisy of Supporting @BernieSanders But Yet Fighting @Haejin

So I wanted to point out something that is obvious but yet some people don't want to see. The people who are fighting against @Haejin are doing so because, in their words, "he is raping the reward pool" and they flag him because they "disagree with the rewards". All I need to do is show you one post to see why @BernieSanders is the same as @Haejin:

No one can tell me with honesty that post is worth 503.37 SBD... lol how the fuck is he any different than @Haejin??

He has about a million Steem Power at least, as one user pointed out here:

Isn't that raping the reward pool, having hundreds of accounts and a crazy amount of the available Steem Power and therefore a large portion of the reward pool??? Up-voting himself like crazy (most likely spread across all of his accounts which means he probably upvotes 90%+ just like @Haejin). How exactly is that not raping the reward pool? It clearly is, get your head out your ass u fucking donkeys and stop bowing down to this mentally ill sociopath. There is nothing cool about glorifying someone who has clear mental health problems, it just makes society even shittier, and when people with those issues are glorified for it they will never get the help they should get.

Overall I can only believe that the people who are fighting against @Haejin but support @berniesanders are scared of going up against them both because then their account will really get trashed, and this is true. But it is some pussy shit. Grow some self respect guys, this is meant to be a platform where you can speak openly about shit and you can't get banned for it, but it has turned into being overly-nice cucks to people you don't even like based on their SP to beg for up-votes. Fucking pathetic. How about you guys go outside and get a real job and maybe you won't need to be a steemit prostitute.

Can't wait to hear the excuses for him, go on try and defend him, you will just look as fucking retarded as you all are, this is common fucking sense.

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