Synereo - A SteemIt alternative?

Is this a SteemIt alternative?
A blockchain based social network.

Synereo’s Attention Economy

The Future of Content Creation, Publishing and Distribution

Synereo is developing tools which allow content creators to easily monetize original works without having to turn their channels into advertisment real estate, while granting their followers the opportunity to be rewarded for getting the word out.

  • Monetize Content You Create
  • Get Paid for Curating Your Feed
  • Amplify Your Message

Simply put, the attention you generate online is worth money. The better the content you create, the more followers you have, the more attention flows around you. Synereo’s applications and monetary models enable you to tap into this resource and reap the fair share of what you create online.

Not a content creator? In a world overloaded with information, good taste is as valuable as creative talent. Help curate quality content, and earn your share by promoting creators you appreciate.

The Road Towards the Decentralized Future of Social Networking

Synereo is developing a series of tools designed to merge into a fully decentralized social network, further generalized into a universal, distributed computation platform

While the road is long, it is paved with applications offering functioning, real-world solutions that utilize AMPs, Synereo’s cryptocurrency, and provide them with backing.

Own Your Content, Identity and Network Connections

Reap the Fair Share of What You Create Online

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