Supply and Demand on Steem


Supply and Demand on Steem

I mentioned yesterday in a small section of this post about scarcity, supply, and demand but today I want to get deeper into this topic and how you can apply it to Steem. I do think that once you get this right, you’ll be able to see outside the usual paradigm and build yourself some great followers, as I did for myself. When I say great, I mean friends, I don’t mean many, but quality ones that are always engaging in the comment section providing fantastic feedback and that is not seen too often on Steem.

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Real Life Examples

Around this time of the year it’s women’s day and in Romania and people are buying flowers like crazy, it’s a tradition. If you walk in any busy area, you’ll be able to see many people just standing in the street selling flowers, if they would do that any other time of the year they would probably not make anything. Because the demand for flowers is so freaking high right now, they are taking full advantage of this and are increasing the supply, making more money.

This strategy is also seen around Christmas when people are buying all kinds of gifts, so the demand for such things is tremendous; thus the business owners are increasing the supply. The same thing is happening in Traveling Spots where people are selling and buying souvenirs in significant amounts, but such merchandise would not sell in any other places.

The thing I'm trying to point out is that certain business models work better only in specific periods or location but regardless of that everything's based on the demand. This applies on Steem too because we often have trends that work great for a specific period and content that is more in demand than other all the time.

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Demand on Steem

A big reason for why so many people are not getting any eyeballs on their posts is not just because they don’t have a follower base but because they don’t post anything scarce and in demand, the market they are active in is saturated.

To give you an example a fuckton of people are posting photography and if you’re just starting you will likely get no views, comments and of course, rewards. The market for photography not only on Steem but in general is saturated since everybody’s a photographer nowadays thanks to their smartphones, so it’s harder to be noticed if you're buried between them, the demand is way smaller than the supply.

But, if you’re posting about truth, if you’re posting stuff that sparks emotions then you have more significant chances of making it since most people appreciate that kind of content but not many are making posts like that, the demand is bigger than the supply.

I think that the biggest reason why I was able to succeed here (I consider this success) is because I’m always trying to speak my truth and mind even if it might offend people. I saw many people getting tons of comments, but only a handful of them are of value, most are just spams, but I always receive big and full of value comments from my followers, and I think that’s because I'm honest in my posts.

If you want to stand out, you have to do something different, being like all the other people is boring. The first thing I had noticed when I joined Steem is that everybody is acting nice, fake only to impress people and get some upvotes but if you’re doing the opposite, being real, frank, you can only win, and this applies both on Steem and in life.

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If a market is saturated, it’s harder to gain recognition and make some money especially if you’re just starting but you can always post about the things that are in high demand as long as you like that particular subject.

Think about it, what are you providing to the people through your posts, if thousands are doing the same thing, is nothing special. But, if you’re doing something out of the ordinary, you will always stand out and be noticed by more. Keep in mind; this is not only about getting rewards but about gaining a follower’s base and engaging with them because that will help you more in the long term, especially when the mass adaption comes.

That should be you, different

The kind of content I consider really valuable is the one that can help people, the one that can change people’s lives. Even if I don’t get thousands of views on my posts if I still get a thank you here and there and people telling me how my post(s) helped them, for me, that is even better than rewards sometimes.

The overall idea of the post, be different, be real, post something scarce and in demand and don't forget, don't give a fuck about anything.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.



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