Just love and proud your children (Bnggakan dan cintailah anak-anak kita)

We never know which way Will call us to God. Maybe by them, by their prayer, by their love, by their other goodness.
Will you believe that they are waiting for you when you've gone to leaved them? Their prays are only for you. Just for you.
Just love and proud your children. They are awesome, they're amazing, they're unique, and they're so pecial.
Give my regard to your children.


Kita tidak pernah tau dari jalan mana kita akan bertemu dg Allah, mungkin melalui mereka, melalui doa mereka, cinta mereka, atau kebaikan mereka lainnya.
Percayakah kamu bahwa mereka menunggu mu ketika kamu sudah meninggalkan mereka?
Mereka mendoakan mu, hanya kamu saja.
Cintai dan banggalah dengan mereka. Mereka luar biasa, mereka mengagumkan, mereka unik, mereka sangat spesial.
Sampaikan salam cinta saya untuk anak2..

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