What Are The Most Popular - And PROFITABLE tags on Steemit? Part 7

Image source: https://pixabay.com/en/handshake-regard-cooperate-connect-2009195/
Yesterday I said that I'd made a silly mistake and left out one of the top tags
Immediately after that post I came across a post using that very tag,br.i'm sure most have you will have also seen posts using it, and used it yourself,as Rolf Harris might have said, before he was lad away in haqndcuffs, "do you know what it is yet?
You'll have to wait till tomorrow to find that out, but I can tell you it's at number 2 in the list
On with today's list


Fun was in a previous post, and comes a fair way down the list from 'Funny,' with about 1/4 the post and 1/6th of the comments
'Nature' posts I do come across quite a lot, and it is a big interest of mine
'Writing' and 'story'are both very popular, major interests of mine, and I've no doubt many of you will be active in the story writing hubs
This also throws up a very interesting nugget
The sharp-eyed among you will have noticed that; 'Story' has more posts than 'Writing,' but a lower Payout
Why is that?
Dig a little deeper and we see that 'Writing' has more comments, hence more interaction, I suspect
This appears to not always be the case, because if you look at 'Contest,' - top of yesterday's list, it has more comments than 'Music' but lower payouts
What's going on here?
Hopefully someone with a deep understnading of the Steemit system will enlighten us

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