Getting off Twitter and moving on!

The last couple months have been my least productive on steem and now Hive!

Yes we were all invested in a lot of ways in old steem, any of you that know me, know I took a lot of time make real world steem objects.

Funny thing is a always hated corporate logos and advertising. One of the things I like most about steem was the lack of traditional corporate interest and advertising.

Why I decided to take the steem logo and make it physical is something I now feel I wasted my time on.

It's Hive for me now, time to build a new!

Anyone want some free steem shit?





I could go on with the time I wasted on the steem logo, but it time to move on.

I know everyone spent hours building on steem. Hard letting go.

I'm also done on Twitter, it's been a productive battle over the last couple months with the whole Justin Sun hostile takeover. From now on I'm going to try to be more productive on Hive instead.

Never really like Twitter anyways......

Wish I had time for a longer rant!

Hopefully more to come.

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