Naked Shorting, Tool of the Financial Elite part 2


Read part 1 here

Just a short follow up on my previous post found on @mitthradiumn's page, here

To be clear, the discussed activity requires the collusion of 3 parties. The actual shorting entities engaged in the price manipulation (...maybe suspect US & Canadian hedge funds like Anson), the trading houses that issue the fabricated short shares (they get paid unsuprisingly huge commissions; TD, RBC, Scotia, CIBC and Coremark come to mind), and the various regulatory authorities are aware of the activity but turn a blind eye, or worse actively contribute to it. (TSxv, OSC, IROC, other Prov'l Securities Commissions at high levels).

But what are we, am I, all so upset about? Well, what is a career criminal to do? They are legalizing Marijuana so no future there, gambling has been legalized every where, pretty slim pickings for the criminally minded. Hold on, there is a great future in stock manipulation, an old boys club with massive profits, that no one takes it seriously (at least in terms of accountability). On the unlikely chance you get caught, you will have plenty of money to lawyer up and baffle them with bullshit for years to come. Worse case scenario you have to pay a few fines and/or settle out of court. But don't worry, you only have to pay if you are feeling charitable, because these laws essentially have no enforcement. So go ahead and steal to your heart's content!

It's enough to make me feel sick with joy.

Though I doubt as sick as my fellow old boys are beginning to feel, realizing the ride is starting to come to an end. Rampant corruption, overpowering political influence and the abuse thereof, blatant and needless neutering of our children's futures by imposing absurd debt standards- I'll let the young handle the rhetoric, I'd just like to end on a positive note: though, like the rest of us, my time on earth is slowly coming to an end, I can at least rest easy on the likelihood of a peaceful death, and ultimately having led a successful life and career.

However, to my fascist, corrupt, incompetent bungling fellow old boys who have our economy dancing a top a precipice with room but for one foot: I hope these cryptocurrency kids shove a Molotov cocktail firmly down each and every one of your deserved urethras. New boy's club seems to be emerging, and they don't seem to like you. Ain't that some shit.


Read part 1 here

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