Why I Don't Believe in Reward Pool R*ping

image source: http://www.gujarathairtransplant.com/hair-transplant-facts/

First of all, this is just my OPINION. I have every right to this opinion just as everyone has their own right to disagree.

The reason I'm writing about this is because of the recent posts in trending lately attempting to discredit or expose so-called "Reward Pool R*pists."

One whale being accused of this was @sweetsssj, a prominent travel blogger in Steemit. One of the accusations against her was that she was upvoting clone accounts at the last minute to avoid detection. This might very well be the truth, but what if it was? Is there really such a thing as reward pool r*ping?

Disclaimer: I am not making this post to specifically defend @sweetsssj, i am not fanboy or any of that sort. I'm making this post to address the reward pool r*ping issue.

I take it that you consider it r*ping when the user has a significant portion of the reward pool and thus prohibiting others from reaping the same. In accounting we have criteria or tiers that indicate whether or not a transaction has significant influence . I'll only mention the quantitative criteria since the qualitative ones don't really apply here. They are:

a) >20% share/ownership - no significant influence
b) 20%< >50% - significant influence
c) 50%< - majority owner

If we apply this criteria to Steemit, we can say that a person is r*ping the reward pool if he or she has 20% or more share in the total steem supply. The question now becomes, how much is the total reward pool?

We can actually verify the total supply available here http://steem.supply. As of March 5, 2018 this is the total supply:

Total pool: 2,490,611
Significant %: 20%
Amount of Steem Earnings to R*pe the Reward Pool: 498,122.2

Now that we have the required amount to r*pe the reward pool, let's see if @sweetsssj fits the definition:

According to Steem Supply she is earning 0.0603% of the reward pool. Not even 1% of the total reward pool. I know what you're thinking "What if you add all of her alleged duplicate accounts?"

Well here are the shares of her alleged duplicate accounts:

Note: Their share is indicated in the "(the account is getting XXXX% of the rewards )" part at the bottom and NOT the potential growth %.

So yeah, not even the combined share of all her alleged accounts can amass 1% of the total reward pool.

Again this is just my take on why Reward Pool R*ping is a myth. Unless someone manages to earn 20% of the total supply then it will remain to be just a myth.

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