The millionaire Mind

Your character,your thinking,and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success. If you come into big money when you aren't ready for it on the the inside ,the chances are your wealth will be short lived and you will lose it. 80% of individuals according to research will be financially free in th eay they'd like to be,the teason being that they work and think on a superficial level of life based on only what they see.
If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from a non supportive root such as fear,anger,or the need to prove yourself,your money would never bring you happiness. If you believe you are not enough,you'll validate that believe and create the reality that you dont have enough..if you believe you you're plenty,you'll validate that belief and create plenty of abundance,WHY?...Because "plenty"would become your root,which will then become your natural way I being. By unlinking your money motivation from anger,fear,and tyeneed to prove yourself,you link your money motivation to contribution,purpose and joy.

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