Witnessing A New Era of Steem - Just Incredible ... Cheers! ^^

I am really not a fan of those breaking ATH news posts, really. But I am gonna do it today myself, what the heck!!

I am not thrilled because of my increased wealth, as I have no intention of selling it any time soon. I am thrilled to have witnessed this moment - Steem sitting at $8, twice the price of previous ATH in such a short period of time when we just welcome the new year and have not get ready for any crazy run like this ...

I am just happy for myself sticking around until now, but to be honest, it wasn't hard at all for the past few months. I don't know why this would happen and I don't mind if it drops back to $1 soon or even lower ... As I am here and will be here for as long as people still read my posts ... At least I will be reading them. _

It's a new era from now on. Although I still miss the old one, I will embrace the new one as hard as ever ...

See this all time chart below? Just so incredible ... Congratulations to everyone, old and new and those coming soon!



🙊 昨夜風狂雨驟 怎麼我一夜好眠?🙊 Sleep Well Free From Steem Waves

該不會這帖發出去就達成了吧?呵呵,敬請平常心、平常心~~ 就像是半年前這帖,當時應該是在猛跌一樣。


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