Curating Posts Older Than Seven Days!

The other day I announced that I will be throwing out some ideas.

HF21 - Doing What One Believes Can Be Done. Every Proactive Effort Matters.

Simple ideas that could get people thinking about how to go about the changes that are coming with HF21.

New "rules" = New obstacles to overcome.

Rather than complain about things, here I am going to explain one little idea that I was sharing around via Discord and it never really took off. Nobody went ahead with it, at least nobody that I know.

We all know that the new author rewards are as of HF21 going down to 50%.

However the curation rewards are going up to 50%.

So lets say 100% is still there, just being distributed differently.

So our governance asked for it to be and shall be. Simple as that.

Well, this actually got me thinking that there is no better time than the present to present this idea publicly, to promote it via the tools we have available here & to get the idea out there.

It isn't anything that is centralized, nor run by me or any other individual, it is again as many things that I try to get out there more of a "grassroots" type of idea.

So, the freedom of choice is guaranteed for each and every individual.

How many times have we all come across a post that is older than 7 days and that we feel deserved more than the 5 or 7 cents payout it got?

Seriously, most of us know that feeling, let alone seen dozens if not hundreds and maybe even thousands of posts out there with under 10 cents as a payout, yet were posts in which people put in their time or emotions and in many cases both.

So, what has ever stopped any of us to write a post about that post, highlighting and promoting that person?

Sure there are many different groups out there trying to help others along, but what is stopping any one of us, as individuals to do this!

See my point.

We can all do a little that can make a huge difference.

& the rewards from the post we write could go to that person.

Helping and giving is a great feeling, especially when we know that we are doing it for the right reasons.


So simply:

When you come across a post that is older than 7 days, that you believe deserved more attention than what it got.

Simply write a post about it, naming the author, saying why you believe the post deserved more attention and when you get your payout, forward it to the author of the post that your were promoting.

Simple enough.

There are no rules, there is no obligation to use any tag or anything, it is all yours, your own good will and niceness.

My choice of tags will be #mypicks.

I have this account name sitting here dead and almost useless, the name is somewhat suitable and I will probably set up some bot to resteem posts that I promote or posts that use that tag or something along those lines.

No guarantee as to what exactly I will do with this account, but I know that I will put it to good use for the above efforts.

Again, that is me.

There is no reason why anyone else would use this tag if they don't want to.


Well, it is your choice what and how and when and whose post you choose.

& as it is you, you can do things any way you feel comfortable with.

Maybe you choose a tag that you want to make a part of your social networking experience. Sure, go ahead and do that, right on, full speed ahead.

See, this idea that I am presenting here can be done by any one of us, any way that each and any one of us would like to.

No rules, no terms and conditions, no hierarchy, just you and your own good will.

How can this help as far as the up coming changes go?

Well, in many ways and it will also help prove that people are who matter. Our caring for one another, our good will, our efforts to support each other without any hidden agendas is what can make all the difference.

Through little things like this, we can definitely make a heck of a difference!

Think about it and when one day you do come across a post that you like and that is over 7 days old and only got a few cents payout, maybe, just maybe this post comes to mind and gives you the will power to make that post author smile!



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