The Privilege Of A Disabled Person In My Country โ™ฟ๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿงพ๐Ÿˆน


Discounts Are A Life-saver

I had forgotten when I did got my Persons With Disability(PWD) card, it is a discount privilege card where I could use it when I am buying my medicines, basic food items, and even construction materials as well. In government hospitals I am free to receive medial treatment plus if I wanted to go to cinemas I have a discount on that too although I do not go to cinemas or even someplace because of my kind of disability.

It is good that my municipal council knows me especially the Social Welfare Department where I had some transactions when I was still able and get request some documents from them for completing my documents to submit when I was still in those years requesting medical assistance from government entities.


I Rather Be Healthy And Well Than Sick And Got A Privilege Card

And so I had easily got my PWD discount card. The good thing is that not only I am getting 20% discount as a disabled person, I am also getting discount from tax or Value-Added Tax. It is a very good benefit thanks to the politicians that pushed it to be made into a law.

So now in totality I am getting a third off as a discount from the goods and services that I am availing from establishments and businesses especially with my medical needs, my drugs for my Parathyroid which is really a very expensive medicine to procure not to mention my Phosphate binder both of which I will really can't afford if not from the mercy of God and the help of steem community.


STEEM Community Is Awesome, They Are My Gift From God

It is heart-warming to also know that when my mother buys me my meal while hooked up for my dialysis, the kind vendor gives me extra meat and rice for my order. It is because maybe she knows that I am disabled and the fact that I am a dialysis patient makes me a recipient of her kindness which I am appreciating with all my heart.

Well that is the privilege of being a disabled person, people gets kind to you, maybe just the people who are already kind is magnified when certain individuals cross their paths like me. It is just good because it softens the blow of my misfortune although it is still awfully hard of a situation.


Some People Loves Me, It Is The Best Privilege That I Get

Of course nobody wants to get disabled. I rather pay the full amount of something and not be sick than having a 70% discount on medicines and be sick all the time. I am also not wanting to get a special treatment whatsoever because it is not me right from the start, I just do not like to be pitied that's all.

Anyway as for my medicines although I could get big discounts when I purchase them it is still a pain on the pockets. So even though I am having a diarrhea of money, my butt hole will get sore from the expenses that I have to pay. I am just fortunate enough that I could pay them because of steem community mainly and forever I will be indebted because of the help and support that I got and still getting from this community. God bless steem.


I Still Have To Pay Top Money For The Goods And Services And It Is Truly Hard For My Pockets Which Are Draining Fast

I don't want to think about the worst-case scenario about my financial capacity but as long as I can type I could earn money to just barely sustain my needs medically if my other medical plans would not materialize then I would just use my remaining money to offset the blow of my illness to my body.

My discounts helps but still I have to think about how I could buy my medicines because it is not clear if I would ever graduate from taking them or not. But I thank God and the steem community for allowing me to afford my medical necessities and it literally is saving my life. God bless you all.

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