I Cancelled My Vitamin D Order And Placed Another One πŸΆπŸ’»πŸ›’πŸ¦΄

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I Am Glad That Sometimes I Can Search Fro what I Needed Online

These days and age I am glad that at the push of a button I could get what I want because we are in the Internet age where we can do a lot of things like for our entertainment for example as we can now stream online our favorite movies, clips, videos, music, and all forms of media which we wanted to consume they are all there.

Then of course the era of online work is here too and sometimes you do not have to get a degree to earn as the blockchain technology like this social media platform that we are spending our precious times with can also give us dividends if we invest our time and a bit of resources into it with what we can offer to the community then we will get a value for our efforts and in turn we earn crypto currency because of it all.

Convenience is also what we get from the Internet, my sister just ordered some food a few days ago and it was not available here in our village before but now we can just do transactions online and the product will get delivered to us unlike in the old times where we have to have those yellowpaper so that we can search for the things that we wanted and it takes time and money because of the cost of calling and the availability of the products and services that we wanted.

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I Cancelled The Other Slow To Arrive One For This Faster One

Anyway I have learned that my order would not arrive very soon, I could just wait for it but I needed it immediately although the effects would not be apparent after some months. Now I just cancelled it and ordered the same product form other sellers that could give me the product within this week.

I am just talking about my needed Vitamin D supplement which I needed all these times along with my Calcium. The reason for this order is that I needed to absorb calcium than I am letting out. Hopefully this will stop my bones from degenerating and also stop my joints from hurting so that I could be able to live a normal life with at least the ability to walk without much pain and maybe do some hobbies that I am doing before.

No one even my doctors told me to take vitamin D because they are just telling me to take calcium without any emphasis on taking vitamin D so that I could absorb more Calcium that I am taking. So now I am just hoping that this plan would work so that finally I can have a better future with my bone health issues.


I Am In A Panic Right Now As Fear Grips Me All Over

What I feel with my body right now is different than before. It is because right now I am really weak, I cannot even lift my own body with my two legs considering that I am very thinned-out and emaciated already. It is not explained by lack of physical activity like walking but it is really the factor of having a marked weakness that gives me fear and panic.

It is because i might be so weak later on that it is really impossible for me to walk even a little bit soon. Plus I am getting these twitches in my muscles( If there was ever left ) which just means that I am having a very low calcium or vitamin D or shall we simply call it as an "imbalance."

That is why that I ended-up in buying some Vitamin D because it is the only key factor that I might be getting into my body so that one and for all my bones and joints could be mended even though the process will be long and arduous if not expensive too. Not that expensive but it will really cost me as well.


My Mother Posing With A Bottle Of Molasses At Hand

My mother is also getting old, she is also at her 70th birthday and already complaining of bone pain. I do think that she needs some Vitamin D at least twice a week from the gel capsules that I newly ordered since it has 10,000 units which I think is enough for a normal person like my mother just for her to avoid bone demineralization because of her old age.

Hopefully. and I am very optimistic here, that this Vitamin D intake of mine would make a difference in my well-being in the future. It seems to be a very late thing to do but what I want to just happen is that for my pains to stop if bone demineralization stops when my bone starts to absorb more calcium so that maybe I could gain my strength back if imbalances gets corrected which is the sign I am waiting for if really this vitamin D is working or not. May God help me.


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