Time To Play Soon


When the next Hard Fork is implemented things are going to change and hopefully for the good. Bit of a shakeup and a wake up call to everyone selling their votes. If they have left the platform and have sold their votes to the bot operators temporarily it could back fire big time. Bot owners are going to have to adjust how they operate right now and that is going to be interesting to see.

I am sure there will be plenty of posts trying to gauge what to do and what others might do. I will definitely be changing tactics and have been thinking out the box on this. I am not going to be joining a bun fight over posts as I don't see the point. Actually I am banking on a majority of users fighting over certain posts which would be great until they see they are wasting their time and votes.

What I would like to see is users stop selling their votes and start using the grey matter in their heads to upvote manually. That won't happen on mass, but maybe they will follow curation trails instead. Why would anyone upvote a post that has had the bots hit it early and there are possible/guaranteed down votes coming as well. Certain users have been plundering this place for too long and this I am hoping will bite them rather hard. I don't believe they have the followers they think they have and this should be a reality check.

I am looking forward to how the bots change their voting strategies and what rewards are handed back to those selling their votes to them. I just don't get it as if you place a $100 bid on a post you are only going to get $50 back plus what percentage the bot offers you. Let us say for argument sake it is 20 percent so your $100 is now $120 divided by two which is 50/50 so the author gets $60 and the curators $60. For the author to make a profit by using the bot he/she now needs another $80 in votes taking it past the $200 mark without any down votes. I don't see this happening and this is great news for all of us on here who are part of a community.

Once you break it down and understand the figures involved this hard fork is going to change the way we play. I think the ones who power down and subsidize their living expenses off Steem will have a tough time and must hate Hard Forks as it does create uncertainty.

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