Friday Thoughts


I have been reading some posts today about the dropping price in the value of Steem against Bitcoin. We have seen the value drop slightly against the USD but nothing alarmingly. Steem is ranked at 69 which is probably the lowest I have seen it and know you don't want to slip out of the top 100.

This just doesn't make sense really as it has good ratings overall by many respected agencies and it isn't a shit coin. Reading between the lines we are in for a rough ride over the coming months as Bitcoin will most likely do very well and very few alts will follow in it's path.

If this plays out as others have described it then it is not too bad as there is no rush and growing is what we should worry about. Why worry about external things that you have no control over and ignore all the negativity and just look forward.

Steem hasn't suddenly become a bad place overnight and is actually growing and developing faster than we can imagine. I have no idea what other block chains are doing, but Steem offers a heck of a lot of promise. Other block chains would give their eye teeth to have what Steem has as we have a working model with a community. I honestly don't listen to half the twaddle others say and switch off.

The more negativity I hear the more convinced I am that this place will work and do very well. I look at things differently and when others mentioned Voice I actually smile. What everyone fails to realise is that when Dan developed Steem this was his baby and bettering this is going to be difficult. I don't think he can as all the ideas were put into this place originally and he did such a good job he just can't.He had no idea he was going to say goodbye and try and compete with it and has shot himself in the foot.

Steem is a little over 3 years old and like most things it just needs time.

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