Thursday Throwdown #4 | All SBD earned on this post goes to advertise Steemit!

Hi everyone!  This is the 4th episode of the #thursdaythrowdown.  I will show you the results of the advertising campaign and our current CoinMarketCap advertisement fund! 

What is the Thursday Throwdown?

The Thursday Throwdown is a weekly post where I take all of the Steem Dollars and spend them to help Steemit grow!  I spend half of the Steem Dollars on a Google Adwords or CoinAd campaign,  and the other half go into an Ethereum account I own until we reach the minimum amount to advertise on CoinMarketCap ($20,000).

Last week's results:

Last week's post payed out about 8 Steem Dollars which would have put about $20  into the CoinMarketCap ad fund and $20 to the Google Adwords advertisement.

I overspent on both as my own personal contribution to this initiative.

We received over 1200 clicks to Steemit and over 26,000 people saw the advertisement!  Here are some screenshots of the Google Adwords stats:

I also forgot to post last Thursday,  but I was still running the ad all of last week too.  I just spent out of pocket to do this!  Here is a look at the stats for the last 14 days:

Here is a look at the Ethereum holding address balance:

As you can see,  this project is going well,  and it is just getting started!  Make sure to upvote all that you can to help more people reach Steem!  Spread this project around because the more this post makes each week,  the more people will learn about Steem! 

Donate to the CoinMarketCap Advertisement fund by sending Ethereum to this address:


To the moon,


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