STEEM Announcement: Get Ready for Hardcore Technical Analysis Only at @bullishmoney !!


My fellow Steemians, I've got exciting news for you today! For months, I have been seeking a comprehensive data file for the STEEM cryptocurrency's pricing dynamics. Initial suggestions were extremely thoughtful, but not quite helpful. For instance, I was told to run an algorithm to extract this data. And I thought, sure, why not? Then I realized I couldn't be bothered.

Well, to use a phrase commonly uttered by Pawn Star's "Old Man," I was being a dumb-dumb. The damn data was right in front of my eyes all this time! In fact, I was looking at it on a daily basis to check the open-market price tag of the STEEM cryptocurrency. Also, a fellow Steemit user from long ago directed me to this very source that I was constantly embarrassing is that!?


That Nonsense is in THE PAST! Now, Let's Bring on the Future!

Folks, and especially you that joined the Steemit network recently, you're all in for a special treat. Many of you know that I have established my reputation as a technical analyst for leading cryptocurrencies, particularly bitcoin, ethereum, and occasionally, litecoin -- one of my favorite flavors of the year.

But I've not been able to inject as great of a quality analysis on the STEEM cryptocurrency as I do with bitcoin. My STEEM analysis has been frustrating, as it has been largely limited to immediate data on hand, such as 7-day charts, or multi-week charts. Very few of my studies incorporate longer-term frameworks that require logarithmic or other methodologies.

That All Changes Starting Right Now!

I'm so excited to have this Steemit data, which now unleashes more of my potential. Now armed with actual long-term statistical data, I can better provide deep insights and meaningful forecasts for the Steemit community.

Additionally, we're going to discuss a sour subject of mine at the moment -- STEEM freakin' dollars, and the rippling inflation that has made it the bane of my Steemit existence, and perhaps for many of you as well.

So stay tuned to my feed at @bullishmoney : I'll shortly provide information that you do NOT want to miss out on!

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