Will Steem be the crypto that brings in the big dogs?

Smart Media Tokens are going to revolutionize the rating and review systems that we know today.

Google Maps (Wayz)
Rotten Tomatoes
The list goes on and on.
Basically any online retailer.
What do all of these have in common? They have a rating system for customer reviews… and they rely on really bored or upset people to write reviews about products and services.

What if people were properly incentivized to leave good reviews on these platforms?

I think that we all have come to rely, at least in part, on the reviews that other people leave on sites such as Amazon. The problem is that people are not properly motivated to leave these reviews. You always have to take the ratings with a grain of salt, because most of the people who are actually motivated to rate products and leave reviews are the outliers who had bad things happen to them and are upset. Generally speaking, I don’t think that reviews on these platforms represent the general consensus of a product or service.

If people were properly motivated to leave reviews, I think we would have a much more even and honest outcome of ratings… especially if people were also motivated to curate and review the reviews.

Smart Media Tokens to the rescue.

Smart media tokens, are going to be the perfect solution for these types of platforms because of the Proof of Brain algorithm built into the Steem blockchain,

Sites such as Google Maps can incentivise the creation and curation of data on anything from restaurants to parks and beyond.

How often have you ignored the prompting on your phone to tell Google more about a place? With Smart Media tokens, they could very easily make it worth your while to not only enter that information, but also let Google know how good or relevant the information is that other people have entered.

Most of the pictures on google maps are taken and submitted by people who have been to those places, and although they have created some sort of ranking system that allows you to rank up and follow how many people have viewed the information you have entered, implementation of a Google Maps Smart media token could take participation to the next level. Not only would people be more inclined to send pictures to Google, but people could have a way to let Google know what pictures were good and be rewarded a curation reward for participating.

People could also be rewarded for providing things like relevant traffic information on accidents and so on… Ways has a system for this and people use it, but I think that the information would be a lot more reliable and forthcoming if people were motivated with tokens for providing data.

Google would simply have to provide some sort of use for their Smart Media Token, you would have to be able to trade them in for something, or be able to gain some sort of reward for earning them, I think that even the smallest most simple use case would allow people plenty of motivation to give this data to them, because it is a thing that people like doing anyway. It could be as simple as “Trade 10,000 Google Maps Tokens in for an exclusive T-shirt of coffee mug” but the possibilities are really endless, and I think that a company like google could really use a token to their advantage as a marketing tool.

Build it and they will come.

I think that the first of these big platforms that realize the benefit of the Proof of Brain algorithm, and the Steem blockchain is going to have a huge advantage and see a massive increase in customer participation. In my mind there is no way that at least one of the big players does not see the value I am talking about here and take advantage. And I think once any one of them does many of the others will follow.

If you have made it this far I just want to say thanks for reading. Please let me know what you think in the comments, and if you agree don’t be afraid to resteem. And ofcourse hit that follow button

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