Hello Steemit! Im @bscot020

I feel like after hitting 100 followers it would be the perfect time to formally introduce myself. My name is Brian. Im a big foodie, love traveing and have a high interest in diversifying my networth into all sorts of things such as precious metals, the stock market, P2P lending and more recently crypto currencies. Ive been fascinated by this new technology which is what brings me here.

So They say..

"The first impression is always the most important"

So here is a picture of me (im on the left)


And the right...?

I bet that was disturbing...

No really here is a legit picture of my girlfriend and I riding a Camel in Dubai. And another pic at my buddies wedding. Tried to get her on the Steem train, but im not having any luck right now. Maybe I should show her my Steem Wallet after this hard fork?



Im excited to bring whatever it is I can to this platform and I'm excited to see whats in store for the future of not only Steemit but for crypto currencies and blockchain altogether.

I hope to meet as many people as I can on here and I hope you guys enjoy what I bring to the table.

Follow @bscot020 :)
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