So I am giving Steem Monsters a go.


Well there it is, a way for me to spend my Steem dollars. I love card games and I love trading. I have played Magic the Gathering for more nearly 2/3 of my life and now @steemmonsters has come to my attention via @buggedout. I have been a bit lazy on Steemit for a few months but now if this is able to keep my attention then I will have something else to write about.

Now I know nothing about this game, I tend to just get into things without too much understanding and work it out while I'm there. Maybe that's why I'm not a crypto millionaire yet, who knows?

Anyway I spent roughly $2.9SBD and got these guys. Only showing the rares (no epics or legendarys yet) because I'm sure commons aren't too exciting.


Anyway, here's to collecting things and let's see if I can do any good with this thing.

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