Are the numbers really all that important? What about who is behind the numbers?

If you're looking at daily active content creators and daily account creation stats, we're not doing all that great here at the moment. Last month was the lowest account creation month since May last year. Steem is on the rise again, just a little, so things may start to pick up again... there's just no telling if it will be sustained for any period of time. This is the graph of account creations for the last 6 months.

18-07-2018 account creations.PNG

On the right we have account creation stats per month since April 2016. Over one million accounts have been created already. That's great!! That's a really big number for just over 2 years of the somewhat obscure Steem blockchain's life. The numbers certainly tell a story if you hold them up against the Steem Price. It shows that when the Steem Price goes up, so do the account creations.

In most cases, the account creation rate lags the price increase of Steem, but still help to keep demand high enough to push the price higher for a while. Those are accounts trying to catch the wave when it's already under them. They miss out on the good rewards, and most will become inactive. There are still those "stayers" who have been bobbing around, catching wave after wave, and generally having a blast regardless of how big or high Steem rises. They have done the hard paddling before the the price rise, and so have reaped the rewards. That is shown by the chart of active content creators bellow.

I can tell you now, the ones who remain active are most likely the ones producing the better content, and have the right idea about what the platform is all about. The rest will post anything just to try to make a quick buck, and then run off again.

So yes, the numbers are quite important. What is probably more important is who are behind the numbers. Who is here on the platform, and will they help to get Steem out to a wider audience who will add value to it? Adding value is the key here. If we get another huge wave of accounts coming in, filled with more of the same, we'll get nowhere. But if we have well-known, intelligent, and insightful people coming on board, then that is whee the value will be added. They will bring their like-minded followers with them, and many of those will bring their followers too. It's like a domino effect...


I just found out a short while ago from @mattclarke that Robert Kiyosaki has just started posting on Steemit. There, right there!! If you've read any of his books, or follow him on other social media platforms, then you may just be a little excited by this. He's someone who can add value to our platform; a well-known, intelligent, and very knowledgeable author, with a tonne of business experience and a huge social media following, is starting to post on Steemit. If his experience here is a good one, he will surely bring a much larger audience to Steem. This is where Steem with gain its value and longevity from. He may even get Donald Trump on board soon.. who knows!!!! That may or may not be a good thing depending on how you see it....

In July, we're up another 14517 accounts, but at least one of those accounts is a good one, potentially a really good one!! Numbers only matter if there is quality in them. A small number of good quality accounts are better than a herd of hopeless fair-weather fly-by-nights.

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