The Pallas's cat (Otocolobus manul) and Why I Love It !

I never liked cats, but I’ll tell you why I love this particular one, the Manul cat, sometimes called the Pallas cat.

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I can’t say I love dogs or any other kind of pet either. But cats are too… well, catty! Can’t develop a deep bond with them, I think that’s the problem. Can’t trust them to come back home if you let them out. Can’t teach them the simplest of things either, like don’t ever climb into my bed. Kittens are much better – all baby animals are, really.

But a few days ago I discovered this one cat that just made me wanna grab it and take it home – trouble is, it’s a wild cat! Wild cats are great. And this one is the fluffiest of them all, and quite small too – the Manul cat.

Manul Cat Characteristics
If you google up some more pictures you’ll see what I mean: the size of a domestic cat, with extra long hair, flattened face, bug-eyed due to its unusual round pupils (as opposed to slits) – and it bites! It makes the funniest faces too. It’s a solitary animal – I like that. I wouldn’t cuddle it all day either. I was researching wild cats and how to accommodate them as “pets”, and I found out it was best that it stayed in its own enclosure, made to feel at home, amongst rocks, vegetation, places to hide, platforms and all.

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Habitat of the Manul Cat
Can’t have it unfortunately – it’s a wild animal after all, and very few of them are left in the steppes of Central Asia. There isn’t much of its natural habitat left untouched though, and it is a near threatened species.


Besides, it doesn’t like warmer climates. So, I’m looking for suggestions – any other cat that looks even remotely like this wild fluffiness?


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