HF20.. How it fucked minnows and plankton and will fuck us all eventually!

And THIS is why I am against HF20! This "upgrade" destroyed the platform. RC and VP are directly related. If you don't have RC, even if your VP is full, you can't up vote...

Makes the platform nearly useless for plankton and minnows! You want to follow someone? That costs RC.. You want to like a comment? That is RC and VP! You want to then create your own post? Well that is more RC! And now you are done for the day as a new user!

Who is going to bother to join and keep up with the system the way it is now?? New users either invest a LOT of money, OR they decide they will just leave for another place that isn't so insane with the rules...

This sounds terrible I am sure to new members and minnows and plankton but think beyond that... Without minnows and plankton and new users every week adding to the ecosystem... WE WON'T EXIST! STEEM will have no value since only the top can earn! This is going to drive the price far far far down unless something is changed!

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