I went to a comedy show tonight.

They called people “retard”.

They talked about “Asians” spreading the virus.

The event joked about the white folk supporting Trump.

They used the words “fag”, “dyke” and other “derogatory” terms.

And, you know what? It was all fucking hilarious.

They all lean towards the left. And, you know what? They all think US Democrat’s have taken it way too fucking far.

I agree.

Stop being those “snowflakes”. Every comment is not meant to insult or degrade.

We’re all people. We make mistakes. We have feelings. We all have prejudices. That is being human.

We’re not perfect. We never will be, but, we can keep trying.

That’s reality. It’s not racism. It may be prejudice, but, we’re all human.

Shit takes time.

Be patient. It’ll come. Don’t give them a reason to call you “snowflake”.

Fuck that.

Be you.

Follow @berniesanders. Vote for witness @nextgencrypto.

Speak the TRUTH.

P.S. - This isn't about this fucking blockchain. This isn't about you. This isn't about your little bubble. This is humanity.

Learn to be accepting. It'll save you a lot of grief.

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